How to Plan a 25th Wedding Anniversary on a Low Budget
- 1). Make a slide show. Several companies can make a slide show from old photo prints. Walmart's package, for example, is 50 photos for under $25 as of 2010. Many can add background music, too. Choose old wedding photos and others that you think will illustrate the couple's life together. Show it on a big screen TV, or borrow or rent a DVD projector for around $75. Projector To Go is one company that rents them but there are more. Show the DVD as a backdrop on a blank wall or hanging sheet.
- 2). Make a dance CD of songs circa mid-1980s, when the couple married. If you don't have the time or the music, buy an '80s collection from an online store such as Amazon. Many are under $15.
- 3). Recreate a moment that was important, like the day you proposed or your wedding day. Return to a spot that was significant for both of you: a favorite restaurant or the church where you married. Or if you were married or proposed abroad, recreate the food and the mood of that spot.
- 4). Check out inexpensive party venues for a larger celebration including friends' homes, apartment clubhouses, community centers and church basements. If the weather's nice, call the local parks department and ask about reserving a party area with shelter and cooking facilities.
Ask guests to bring two things: A dish for a potluck and a story about the couple. - 5). Collect money to send the couple for a weekend at a spa or lodge instead of having a party. Check out prices on travel sites such as Trip Advisor and Expedia. Trip Advisor has ideas for trips.