Are You Using Your Existing Customer List to Increase Your Sales?
They take it for granted that those will just keep coming back if they need more services or products.
Or they may think it just takes too much time to effectively manage a customer database.
The fact is, if you maintain a customer list you are sitting on a gold mine just waiting for you to pull money from it.
Really, when you think of it, an existing customer has already overcome all of the sales objections a new customer might have of doing business with you.
Therefore, future sales are much easier with this buyer.
The hard part is done and they are just waiting for your next offer.
Today, with the use of autoresponder services, maintaining a customer list takes very little time and effort.
You should be asking every customer who comes through your doors for their email address and permission to add them to your mailing list.
Offer an incentive such as a coupon or discount for them to add themselves to your email list.
Once you have your list, you can offer specials that only your list will receive.
They are your "preferred buyers list".
Treat them well, and they will come back time and again to do business with you and give you their money.
Let your mailing list know exactly what services you offer.
You would be surprised at how many customers will come back to you and say, "I didn't know you did that" or "I didn't know you sold that".
Keeping your existing customers informed about what you have to offer is so easy, so profitable and yet so few businesses actually make the effort.
Once you start mining your list for repeat sales, you can easily expect to increase revenue every time you send an email out to your customers.
This is also a good way for you to bring some traffic to your business website.
Processing orders online is more cost effective for most businesses than making an on-site sale from your place of business.
If your customers know they can shop with you 24/7 you can be processing orders when your business is closed, while you are sleeping and even on Bank Holidays.
Your list is one of your most valued assets, or at least it should be! If you have not started a buyers list from your existing customers, now is the time to start.
Make the most of your cost of acquisition and increase the lifetime value of your customer by staying in touch with people who have already given you their money.