Learn Standup Comedy

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So, you think you're funny huh? You think just because you can make people laugh, you think, now you want to be the next 'Steve Martin'.
Now, Mr.
Martin is funny and does very well with his craft.
Can you? So, if you want to make it as a stand up comedian take notice of this article because I share a few tips that will help you out because comedy is a serious business, and you don't want too many boos and hisses you want laughter, and the more you bring of the latter out of your audience, the more you'll attract the checks.
Identify With Your Audience.
You can have the best routine in the world and you've got to cater for the audience and are receptive to it.
For example, you are delivery your routine to a room full of priests and you make jokes about the Bishop who does not take too kindly to what you are saying, this is going to be a total slip up.
Cater for the audience by knowing who your audience 2.
Don't tell jokes that are years out of date.
For example, if you have an audience who are under 30 and you are telling jokes about a dubious personality from the past, do you think its relevant material to tell stuff from 30/40 years go? (Or, longer) Come up with topics that are current.
General material is a safe bet.
Practice Your Routine.
First in front of the mirror to see how you look, a funny expression can make people laugh can that be part of your repertoire? Practice until you cannot get your routine wrong - that's what professionals do.
Perform your routine in front of your friends, ask them to be brutally honest about your performance.
I'm sure your friends will obliged.
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