How to Beat Online Poker Rooms
- 1). Multi-table for more leverage. Online poker rooms allow you to open up multiple windows and sit at multiple tables. Play as many games at one time as your focus and skill will allow. Start with two or three and work your way up.
- 2). Choose lower stakes for each cash game you sit at. Online poker games move much more quickly than brick-and-mortar games. Because of faster games and multi-tabling, the ability to see many more hands per hour allows you to sit at lower stakes games and win more money.
- 3). Watch for online tells. You can't see your opponent face to face, so the primary tells to watch for entail bet size and speed of betting. Try to notice the patterns in your opponents' play. This is where purchasing an optional software package that collects information on your opponents' hand histories can come into play.
- 4). Play tighter than you would in a live game. Since you are playing many more hands per hour, and sitting at multiple tables at a time, you can afford throw away hands that aren't premium hands before the flop.