Beliefs And Wealth - Change Your Self-Worth To Change Your Net Worth
Changing Beliefs Causes Change For many people it doesn't seem credible that a belief can affect someones health, much less their financial situtation.
But in my experience they can.
Allow me to share some case studies with you.
An Example Of Where Working With Beliefs Made A Big Change I worked with a lady who suffered from Fibromyalgia.
And I must be honest with this, I didn't know what Fibromyalgia was.
But I had a belief in the techniques that I could help anybody and everybody so we met and Fibromyalgia turned out to be essentially ME but with a lot of pain.
So that would be literally days without getting out of bed so we worked with the techniques of belief change.
She kept a diary and eventually we wrote a book together called Running Away From ME.
The Source Of Her Illness - A Negative Belief But the source of her illness turned out to be her belief that she wasn't good enough for her parents.
More than that, she wasn't loved by her parents - and all of this occurred when she was four years old and got lost at a big show.
She went back and stayed with their car to wait for them.
And it was something that was absolutely the right thing to do.
But her mother, who was undoubtedly grief-stricken, was very upset when they eventually found her.
And she encoded this experience that she wasn't loved and she wasn't good enough.
So from four years old, that four year old has essentially been running this belief pattern forward and it culminated in happiness disorders.
A Common Thread I have subsequently worked with people with Fibromyalgia and it is almost the same pattern that underlies this illness.
It is coming from something that if looked at it as an adult wouldn't make any sense at all but it was there.
That belief was created with the associated emotions and that causes symptoms that are unexplained in later life.
I've been getting some great feedback from people with ME and Fibromyalgia from working on early life beliefs and traumatic emotions.
The people I work with say they didn't realise that this is all about something that happened when they were about six years old.
It must be quite difficult for ordinary people to actually accept that something that happened all the back in someone's childhood could be manifesting itself physically today.
Beliefs And Wealth It does initially seem strange that this also applies to peoples' attitudes to money and wealth.
But often expressions such as "Money doesn't grow on trees" are installed in them rather than a particular event that leads to an illness.
And I know that it sounds illogical that just changing beliefs like this can allow people to change their financial situation for the better.
But my experience is that it does.
How Do You Change Beliefs? There are many ways today to effectively change beliefs, and any of these can work.
Some work more effectively than others.
I use a combination of EFT, Matrix Reimprinting and NLP for fast effective change.
Changing Peoples' Beliefs About Money I now work with many people to change their self-worth to change their net worth.
We work on the inner world to manifest changes in the outer world.
And this is the best job in the world when you get people giving testimonies like "My life has changed".
This particularly true where people have an illness that I can influence in a relatively in a short period of time.
And when you see someone transform their financial life, it's deeply satisfying.
It's such a joy helping people turn their life around because they have got the wrong relationship with money which we can change in such a short amount of time.
But in my experience they can.
Allow me to share some case studies with you.
An Example Of Where Working With Beliefs Made A Big Change I worked with a lady who suffered from Fibromyalgia.
And I must be honest with this, I didn't know what Fibromyalgia was.
But I had a belief in the techniques that I could help anybody and everybody so we met and Fibromyalgia turned out to be essentially ME but with a lot of pain.
So that would be literally days without getting out of bed so we worked with the techniques of belief change.
She kept a diary and eventually we wrote a book together called Running Away From ME.
The Source Of Her Illness - A Negative Belief But the source of her illness turned out to be her belief that she wasn't good enough for her parents.
More than that, she wasn't loved by her parents - and all of this occurred when she was four years old and got lost at a big show.
She went back and stayed with their car to wait for them.
And it was something that was absolutely the right thing to do.
But her mother, who was undoubtedly grief-stricken, was very upset when they eventually found her.
And she encoded this experience that she wasn't loved and she wasn't good enough.
So from four years old, that four year old has essentially been running this belief pattern forward and it culminated in happiness disorders.
A Common Thread I have subsequently worked with people with Fibromyalgia and it is almost the same pattern that underlies this illness.
It is coming from something that if looked at it as an adult wouldn't make any sense at all but it was there.
That belief was created with the associated emotions and that causes symptoms that are unexplained in later life.
I've been getting some great feedback from people with ME and Fibromyalgia from working on early life beliefs and traumatic emotions.
The people I work with say they didn't realise that this is all about something that happened when they were about six years old.
It must be quite difficult for ordinary people to actually accept that something that happened all the back in someone's childhood could be manifesting itself physically today.
Beliefs And Wealth It does initially seem strange that this also applies to peoples' attitudes to money and wealth.
But often expressions such as "Money doesn't grow on trees" are installed in them rather than a particular event that leads to an illness.
And I know that it sounds illogical that just changing beliefs like this can allow people to change their financial situation for the better.
But my experience is that it does.
How Do You Change Beliefs? There are many ways today to effectively change beliefs, and any of these can work.
Some work more effectively than others.
I use a combination of EFT, Matrix Reimprinting and NLP for fast effective change.
Changing Peoples' Beliefs About Money I now work with many people to change their self-worth to change their net worth.
We work on the inner world to manifest changes in the outer world.
And this is the best job in the world when you get people giving testimonies like "My life has changed".
This particularly true where people have an illness that I can influence in a relatively in a short period of time.
And when you see someone transform their financial life, it's deeply satisfying.
It's such a joy helping people turn their life around because they have got the wrong relationship with money which we can change in such a short amount of time.