Tips on Kids Party Games
- Party games help to make your child's party image by Silvia Bogdanski from <a href=''></a>
Have your child's next party be the best ever and she'll be thanking you for years to come. Games are one of the most important features of any kid's party, and including the right activities can make the party. By giving some consideration to a few planning and execution points, you will help to insure that the party is a big success. - Let your child be a part of the planning. The older he is, the more involved he can be with choosing what games he wants to have at the party. Even if your child is quite young, ask him questions about what kinds of games he likes, what his friends like, and what he wants to do at his party. Offer him game suggestions and choices. If he chooses something you can't approve, let him know why it's not a good choice.
- Plan plenty of activities, but don't make them so complicated that the setup takes longer than the game. The younger the kids are, the more simple the games should be, but even older kids appreciate easy-to-play games. A party has lots of distractions, and trying to keep kids focused while you explain a long list of rules rarely works. Simple games will keep the party moving.
- Kids who are left to their own devices will find something to do, whether it is something you've planned or not. Provide plenty of things for them to do. Some of the time, this may be making crafts or eating, but any time that does not have a specific purpose should be filled with games. Very active games are a good choice for kids' parties, since this type of game lets children burn off some of the energy they have bottled up due to excitement and sugary foods. Tag and other running or chase games work well.
- At the party, be sure that all of the kids understand how each game is played before you start the game. When starting a new game, have all the players in one area, and stand in a place where all of them can see you. Explain the game and show them anything that will be used during play. If you aren't sure whether or not they understand, you can ask a few questions to make sure they have the important points. Younger kids in particular may be uncertain about how a game is played, so take a couple of minutes to check that they will be able to play.
Involve Your Child
Keep It Simple
Keep Them Busy