How to Make a Rune Amulet
- 1). Wait until Wednesday. Rune amulets should only be made on Wednesday because that is the day of the week that is sacred to Odin, who was the one to discover the power of runes.
- 2). Take a shower.
- 3). Put on clean clothing that is loose enough for you to move around comfortably.
- 4). Before you can begin making your rune amulet, you must first convert your name to a bind-rune sigil. A bind-rune sigil is simply your name written in bind runes, runic characters. When you are creating your bind rune sigil, you need to write your name on a piece of paper. After writing your name, you need to write the corresponding symbol beside each letter. The symbols you need to use for your bind-rune sigil are taken from the Futhark alphabet (see the link below). If you commonly use a nickname instead of your formal name (Jess or Jessie as opposed to Jessica) you should continue using your nickname which you convert to a bind-rune sigil.
- 5). After converting your name to a bind-rune sigil, you will need to spend some time practicing how to write it. Accidentally writing the wrong thing can completely change your rune amulets properties. Practice writing your bind-rune sigil until each of the characters looks exactly like the ones shown
- 6). Burn every single piece of paper that you used to practice writing your bind-rune sigil.
- 7). Place your candle into the candle holder and place both items in the very center of your flat surface.
- 8). Place yourself so that you are standing on the north side of your flat surface.
- 9). Lift your right hand. Closing your eyes, picture a line of astral fire from your index finger. Point your finger, and fire stream, towards the south side of the room.
- 10
Keeping your finger pointed towards the south, slowly start to pivot clockwise on your right heel. While you are pivoting, you should mentally draw a line of finger around the perimeter of your ritual room. Continue pivoting until your ring of fire is joined. Your ring of fire will protect you from evil and darkness until you have finished making your rune amulet. - 11
After casting your protective ring of fire, you will need to face your table. Make sure your feet are together.Use the index finger on your right hand to draw a Os rune above the candle. - 12
Spread both of your arms so that they are parallel with the ground. Your finger tips should be level with the top of your shoulders. Call on Odin for assistance, protection, and guidance as you prepare to make your rune amulet. - 13
Drop to your knees when you've finished speaking to Odin. - 14
Pick up the pen. Swipe the tip of the pen through the candle flame three times. Move fast enough that the pen isn't ruined by the heat before you are able to finish making your rune amulet. - 15
Point the tip of your pen straight down at the table and hold it above the candle's flame. Imagine it piercing the middle of your Os rune. - 16
Rotate the pen in your fingers three times. The rotations should be clockwise. While you are rotating the pen you should imagine the flame flowing through the pen, turning the ink into the blood of Odin. Kiss the pen's non-writing end. - 17
Draw your bind-rune sigil in the very middle of your square of paper. Use firm, smooth strokes while you are drawing the symbols. As you are writing speak your bind-rune name aloud. - 18
After placing your paper on the center of the table, use your pen to draw the Eolh rune. The Eolh ,rune should be drawn directly above your bind-rune name. Next you will draw the Nyd rune under your bind-rune name. The Os rune should be drawn on the left side of the bind rune. On the right side of your bind rune you will have to draw the Tyr rune. - 19
After drawing the runes, pull a single strand of your hair from your scalp. Make four knot loops in the hair, each time you make a knot call on one of the Gods; Eolh, Nyd, Os, and Tyr.You are asking the Gods to grant you their service and protection. - 20
Gently lay your strand of hair across your paper square. Fold the square into thirds so that it envelopes your strand of hair. Lay your strand of hair across your paper square. Fold the square into thirds so that it envelopes your strand of hair. - 21
Stand up. Extend both of your arms until they are once again level with your shoulders. Hold this position while you pray to Odin. - 22
Extinguish your flaming circle of protection. Blow out your candle. - 23
Tuck your newly made rune amulet close to your body. The best way to carry your rune amulet is in a case or locket.