Hope For US
Our lives are already played out and our destiny decided by the hand of godless men.
The future is in our hands we but lack the power to change it.
Our eyes are blocked by our own ignorance.
We will lie on our death beds and only then will we realize the truth.
If only we could return to the moment that would change our lives.
If we could just do everything over again, everything would be different.
We would lose the fear that blinds us.
We would act as if we understood death and would embrace every moment as a gift.
Our time spent would become meaningful.
We would direct our lives to ensure that we would not have regret.
We must begin the voyage of self discovery.
We must slow down and understand the world around us as well as our place in it.
We will come together and replace the war with voyages of discovery.
We must understand each other and deliver the lies to the past.
We must understand the fear and use its power for self preservation.
Our insecurities must be lost into a sea of understanding.
Peace will come when we retire our selfish ways.
We are going to come together and fight those who are unwilling.
We will adjust the future in our favor for those who have yet to assume consciousness.
We will lose our lazy ways into an occupation of self improvement.
They way we live our lives must change and we have to cooperate with each to make these necessary changes.
A closed mind leads to a dead spirit while an open mind leads to hope.
I hope that one day we are able to open our eyes to the destruction we have caused.
I hope that we learn who we are and create the courage necessary to fight the overwhelming odds against us.
I hope we become better.
I hope I become better.