Bringing the Bible Closer to Today’S Generation Through the Story of Creation
The advent of computers has undoubtedly brought forth many amazing improvements in the way we do things. Our jobs for the most part have become easier. Communication with almost anybody anywhere in the world is much more efficient, much faster and certainly more fun and exciting. Access to all kinds of information is literally €one click€ away. All these technological advances however have some down-side. Children these days spend less time playing outdoors, less time socializing with other kids their age, less time reading books of any kind, especially the Bible, etc.
Those who belong to the baby-boomer generation will remember that their first introduction to the stories of the Bible was by way of those tiny and beautifully illustrated cardboard books. Each €volume€ contained one popular story from the Bible, some of the more popular of which include €Job and the Whale€, €David and Goliath€, €Samson and Delilah€ and €Adam and Eve€ or the €Creation Story€. The stories were presented in such a way that little children sat wide-eyed with rapt attention, and grew up with a healthy appreciation and interest for the bigger picture behind those wonderful Bible stories of their childhood.
Fortunately for today's children, reading the Bible need not remain an alien concept. There are many clever and creative means by which the stories of the Bible are brought to the attention of our internet-age kids, online or otherwise. The idea is to approach them via their preferred media, and to grab their attention such that they will be genuinely interested to seek out more of the same, again online or offline.
Garden of Praise
The Garden of Praise website is very easy to the eyes, without the frills and busy screen design. On its Creation Story page, it offers plenty of educational online games like jigsaw and crossword puzzles to keep visiting kids happy with their generation's preoccupations while offering a very concise version of the Creation Story. It also includes easy-to-understand explanations, some really cool links to the actual Bible verses where the Creation Story can be found and very clever Memory Pegs as study aids for kids.
The Creation Story by Kids4Truth is a dynamic animation (dynamation) that is sure to enthrall young kids and make them ask for more. A great introduction to the rest of the Bible stories, it takes advantage of hip animation software very well suited for kids. By showcasing the story of creation with vivid colors and simple descriptions, recall factor is high and kids will surely seek other Bible stories that make use of the same presentation techniques.
The Creation Story
This is a smart two-pronged approach to the daunting task of bringing the Bible into the lives of today's children. It takes advantage of the technologies made available through the internet by using it as an online portal to the more exciting main event which is€¦. yes you guessed it, a book, what else?
The website makes use of The Creation Story as the perfect vehicle to awaken a child's interest in the Bible and all the stories in it. This project is currently underway and has a projected launch date of October 2012, but already it is providing some very exciting insight of what is to come. There will be 7 chapters, one for each day of The Creation Story. Designed for kids but guaranteed to delight adults as well, this project hopes to once again endear the Book of Books to our hearts.
These online and offline efforts are bridging the gap between the computer age and the Books of the Bible. They employ very creative techniques to catch and keep the attention of today's younger generations. In a matter of speaking, the Bible is truly timeless.
Those who belong to the baby-boomer generation will remember that their first introduction to the stories of the Bible was by way of those tiny and beautifully illustrated cardboard books. Each €volume€ contained one popular story from the Bible, some of the more popular of which include €Job and the Whale€, €David and Goliath€, €Samson and Delilah€ and €Adam and Eve€ or the €Creation Story€. The stories were presented in such a way that little children sat wide-eyed with rapt attention, and grew up with a healthy appreciation and interest for the bigger picture behind those wonderful Bible stories of their childhood.
Fortunately for today's children, reading the Bible need not remain an alien concept. There are many clever and creative means by which the stories of the Bible are brought to the attention of our internet-age kids, online or otherwise. The idea is to approach them via their preferred media, and to grab their attention such that they will be genuinely interested to seek out more of the same, again online or offline.
Garden of Praise
The Garden of Praise website is very easy to the eyes, without the frills and busy screen design. On its Creation Story page, it offers plenty of educational online games like jigsaw and crossword puzzles to keep visiting kids happy with their generation's preoccupations while offering a very concise version of the Creation Story. It also includes easy-to-understand explanations, some really cool links to the actual Bible verses where the Creation Story can be found and very clever Memory Pegs as study aids for kids.
The Creation Story by Kids4Truth is a dynamic animation (dynamation) that is sure to enthrall young kids and make them ask for more. A great introduction to the rest of the Bible stories, it takes advantage of hip animation software very well suited for kids. By showcasing the story of creation with vivid colors and simple descriptions, recall factor is high and kids will surely seek other Bible stories that make use of the same presentation techniques.
The Creation Story
This is a smart two-pronged approach to the daunting task of bringing the Bible into the lives of today's children. It takes advantage of the technologies made available through the internet by using it as an online portal to the more exciting main event which is€¦. yes you guessed it, a book, what else?
The website makes use of The Creation Story as the perfect vehicle to awaken a child's interest in the Bible and all the stories in it. This project is currently underway and has a projected launch date of October 2012, but already it is providing some very exciting insight of what is to come. There will be 7 chapters, one for each day of The Creation Story. Designed for kids but guaranteed to delight adults as well, this project hopes to once again endear the Book of Books to our hearts.
These online and offline efforts are bridging the gap between the computer age and the Books of the Bible. They employ very creative techniques to catch and keep the attention of today's younger generations. In a matter of speaking, the Bible is truly timeless.