All About the Lightweight Wheelchair
Manual wheelchairs are classified from the heaviest to the lightest and a user whose weight is up to 250 lbs can choose from among them. A wheelchair that weighs more than 36 lbs is standard, while one weighing 34 to 36 lbs is a lightweight wheelchair. High strength lightweight and ultra lightweight chairs are 30 to 34 lbs and less than 30 lbs, respectively.
Standard wheelchairs are generally recommended for users who will need a chair for only a short time. This is because these are the hardest to transport and propel. Such chairs come with fixed back rests, foot rests, and arm rests, and thus are not adjustable. The quality of the materials from which they are made is the less desirable kind. On the other hand, these are the least expensive.
Lightweight wheelchair types are often made with customizations such as adjustable back rests, arm rests, and foot rests, among others. These are manufactured from materials of higher quality and are more expensive as a result. In addition, these are easier to propel, control, and manoeuvre. Those who can not operate a standard wheelchair for various reasons are the individuals for which these are intended.
The high strength lightweight type is the most durable of the lightweight chairs and offers even more options in terms of functionality, adjustability and manoeuvrability. It is intended for individuals who engage regularly in activities that can not be accommodated in lightweight or standard chairs, as well as for those who have special needs such as a different seat width, depth or height.
The ultra lightweight wheelchair is the most desirable type of chair, especially for those who must spend a lot of time in it day by day and need to use it for more than three months. It comes with many customizations, is highly adjustable, and offers maximum ease of control as well as durability. The drawback for this kind of chair is that it is the most expensive.
Those who will need a wheelchair only temporarily, do not spend too many hours in it everyday, and do not require special features or customizations are the users for which the standard wheelchair is recommended. This is because lighter chairs are more expensive than heavier ones. In fact, the lighter the wheelchair, the more expensive it is. Customizations and special features increase the price even more.
A lightweight wheelchair is not necessary for the individual who can use a standard wheelchair without sacrificing comfort, convenience, mobility, and functionality. This is because of the amount of investment required for a lightweight type of chair. The needs of the user will have to be weighed carefully against the features of the chair. But, of course a lightweight type must be acquired for one who can not use a standard wheelchair.
An ultra lightweight or high strength lightweight wheelchair is best for those who will need to use one for an indefinite period. The activities of the user, as well as his physique, will help determine which of the two is needed. The active, heavy, or strong individual will do better in a high strength lightweight type, while the not so active, not so strong, or not so heavy individual can have an ultra lightweight one.
Standard wheelchairs are generally recommended for users who will need a chair for only a short time. This is because these are the hardest to transport and propel. Such chairs come with fixed back rests, foot rests, and arm rests, and thus are not adjustable. The quality of the materials from which they are made is the less desirable kind. On the other hand, these are the least expensive.
Lightweight wheelchair types are often made with customizations such as adjustable back rests, arm rests, and foot rests, among others. These are manufactured from materials of higher quality and are more expensive as a result. In addition, these are easier to propel, control, and manoeuvre. Those who can not operate a standard wheelchair for various reasons are the individuals for which these are intended.
The high strength lightweight type is the most durable of the lightweight chairs and offers even more options in terms of functionality, adjustability and manoeuvrability. It is intended for individuals who engage regularly in activities that can not be accommodated in lightweight or standard chairs, as well as for those who have special needs such as a different seat width, depth or height.
The ultra lightweight wheelchair is the most desirable type of chair, especially for those who must spend a lot of time in it day by day and need to use it for more than three months. It comes with many customizations, is highly adjustable, and offers maximum ease of control as well as durability. The drawback for this kind of chair is that it is the most expensive.
Those who will need a wheelchair only temporarily, do not spend too many hours in it everyday, and do not require special features or customizations are the users for which the standard wheelchair is recommended. This is because lighter chairs are more expensive than heavier ones. In fact, the lighter the wheelchair, the more expensive it is. Customizations and special features increase the price even more.
A lightweight wheelchair is not necessary for the individual who can use a standard wheelchair without sacrificing comfort, convenience, mobility, and functionality. This is because of the amount of investment required for a lightweight type of chair. The needs of the user will have to be weighed carefully against the features of the chair. But, of course a lightweight type must be acquired for one who can not use a standard wheelchair.
An ultra lightweight or high strength lightweight wheelchair is best for those who will need to use one for an indefinite period. The activities of the user, as well as his physique, will help determine which of the two is needed. The active, heavy, or strong individual will do better in a high strength lightweight type, while the not so active, not so strong, or not so heavy individual can have an ultra lightweight one.