Slowpitch Vs. Fastpitch Softball Glove
- Slow pitch softball is usually played in recreational and fun leagues. Some glove manufactures sell slow pitch marketed gloves that have larger webbing designed to aid outfielders in catching fly balls.
- Some glove manufacturers offer fast pitch specific gloves with a wider yet tighter pocket to help an infielder secure a catch.
- In both slow pitch and fast pitch, the fielding glove can only be made of two colors. The glove cannot be the same color as the ball. A white or grey glove is illegal.
- Slow pitch and fast pitch gloves vary in pocket size ranging from 11 to 15 inches. A catcher or first baseman may use a catcher's mitt or first basemen's mitt which has more padding than the other fielder's gloves. Due to the velocity of pitches, a fast pitch catcher will likely need the mitt with the extra padding.
- The size of the ball used may impact the player's preference of glove size. Most fast pitch and slow pitch leagues use the 12-inch softball. Some youth leagues and co-ed slow pitch leagues use the 10-inch softball.
Companies may label gloves "slow pitch" or "fast pitch" gloves but the differences are minimal and the labeling is more related to marketing efforts then function.
Slow Pitch Softball
Fast Pitch Softball
Glove Colors
Glove Sizes