The Safest Shelter From The Storm
The geographic location of the United States explains why it is frequented by tornadoes. More than half of the states in US lie in the plains between the Rocky and Appalachian Mountains commonly called the Tornado Alley. The states where strong twisters occur are Oklahoma and Florida, while the rest of the country is less prone to tornadoes.
In March 1925, the worst tornado Tri-state hit the US and killed 695 people while other 25 deadliest tornadoes were recorded. According to reports, about one thousand tornadoes hit the US yearly and almost 60 people are killed per year due to flying and falling debris.
In states where tornadoes are vulnerable, building codes are often stricter than those in other parts of the U.S, requiring strengthened roofs and more secure connection between the building and its foundation. Common precautionary measures include the installation of tornado shelters and tornado sirens to prevent further damages from a tornado attack.
A family can survive tornadoes in three ways. First, they can build a monolithic dome home that can withstand tornadic winds. They can also opt to build a safe room or in-residence shelter. Or, for maximum protection, tornado survivors would suggest a tornado shelter or storm shelters.
The manufactured tornado shelter or storm shelter is the best way to protect your family in the event of a storm, hurricane or tornado. It has been accounted that many tornado survivors used a tornado shelter or storm shelters while non-survivors did not. The purpose of these shelters is to provide a space wherein you and your family can seek refuge since it provides a high level of protection. The shelter is custom-built that costs around $3,000 and can be fixed in the basement or garage. When using storm or tornado shelters, one has to follow the guidelines set by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
The Wind Science and Engineering Research Center at Texas Tech University performs tests on shelters and various shelter components to see if they meet both sets of guidelines. Researchers recommend these three types of shelters for your protection from tornado and other harsh weather disturbances.
Underground: These shelters are safe from flying debris and high winds but installation can be a problem depending on the type of rock and the water table in your area.
In-residence: These are usually built into a new house using concrete, reinforced masonry or wood/steel combinations. Building one into an existing house can be difficult and costly. Alternatives include pre-built metal shelters that are not only easier to install, but can be placed almost anywhere in the house.
Community: It can accommodate multiple families (from 12 people up to several hundreds). Commonly used with manufactured housing areas, these shelters are usually above the ground, exposing them to flying debris, but many more lives can be saved.
In March 1925, the worst tornado Tri-state hit the US and killed 695 people while other 25 deadliest tornadoes were recorded. According to reports, about one thousand tornadoes hit the US yearly and almost 60 people are killed per year due to flying and falling debris.
In states where tornadoes are vulnerable, building codes are often stricter than those in other parts of the U.S, requiring strengthened roofs and more secure connection between the building and its foundation. Common precautionary measures include the installation of tornado shelters and tornado sirens to prevent further damages from a tornado attack.
A family can survive tornadoes in three ways. First, they can build a monolithic dome home that can withstand tornadic winds. They can also opt to build a safe room or in-residence shelter. Or, for maximum protection, tornado survivors would suggest a tornado shelter or storm shelters.
The manufactured tornado shelter or storm shelter is the best way to protect your family in the event of a storm, hurricane or tornado. It has been accounted that many tornado survivors used a tornado shelter or storm shelters while non-survivors did not. The purpose of these shelters is to provide a space wherein you and your family can seek refuge since it provides a high level of protection. The shelter is custom-built that costs around $3,000 and can be fixed in the basement or garage. When using storm or tornado shelters, one has to follow the guidelines set by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
The Wind Science and Engineering Research Center at Texas Tech University performs tests on shelters and various shelter components to see if they meet both sets of guidelines. Researchers recommend these three types of shelters for your protection from tornado and other harsh weather disturbances.
Underground: These shelters are safe from flying debris and high winds but installation can be a problem depending on the type of rock and the water table in your area.
In-residence: These are usually built into a new house using concrete, reinforced masonry or wood/steel combinations. Building one into an existing house can be difficult and costly. Alternatives include pre-built metal shelters that are not only easier to install, but can be placed almost anywhere in the house.
Community: It can accommodate multiple families (from 12 people up to several hundreds). Commonly used with manufactured housing areas, these shelters are usually above the ground, exposing them to flying debris, but many more lives can be saved.