Ideas for a 20-Year Reunion
- Go back to the days before graduation.graduation image by timur1970 from
It's been 20 years since you graduated. Since then, you have changed quite a bit, and you might even have a hard time remembering the faces of some your classmates. Reunions can be an enjoyable walk down memory lane, but they can also call for awkward moments. With some planning, you can skip the uncomfortable moments and enjoy how you and your classmates grew through the past 20 years. - Set up a Facebook page or group, or start an email chain including everyone attending the reunion. Starting a Facebook page or Ggroup can help everyone get up to date so that they can avoid the awkward moments and questions. Another option is to start an email chain through a service like Yahoo! Groups. Ask questions in the subject line so people will be encouraged to participate, and get the conversation rolling to encourage people to attend the reunion.
- Have an icebreaker gathering so that people can get more familiar with one another before the big event. Getting together after 20 years and catching up in one night may be overwhelming. Host the gathering at a local bar or even at your high school or college. Find out if your school is having a football or basketball game or another sporting event. Invite the guests to the game to get back in the school spirit and get familiar with each other before the reunion.
- Have instant cameras at the reunion. People will be encouraged to take photos with one another and hold onto the new memories. Picture-taking will promote interaction among classmates as well. Have a contest for goofiest picture so that everyone can get a good laugh during the event.
- Recreate yearbook awards like "most likely to succeed" or "best dressed"--but with a comedic flair and less pressure. Have ballots with phrases like "coolest hair style," "coolest pet," "person who traveled the farthest," "person who changed the most" and "unexpected career path." Tally the results, and announce the award winners at the end of the reunion for some laughs.
Catch Up Beforehand
Host an Icebreaker
At the Reunion
20 Years Later Awards