What Is The Role Of The Employer In A Workers Compensation Program?
Step One: Prepare, Present, Evaluate, then Purchase
Keep current on your states legislation regarding Workers Compensation.
When selecting an insurance carrier, ensure that you know the time period for which your Workers Compensation premium is being calculated.
Make sure you know the correct classification codes that cover the types of work you do. Dont shortcut this. If you do some work as a Roofer, then communicate that when you contact a Broker. Remember, work performed in a certain field that is unknown to the insurance carrier may result in a denied Work Compensation claim down the road.
Present your Workers Compensation insurance needs and requirements in a logical outline to one or more insurance Brokers. Let the insurance Brokers know what you need.
Evaluate the Work Compensation insurance quotes and proposals you receive. Narrow your selection down to a Broker or two and continue your information gathering process with.
Review and compare Work Compensation proposals from your finalists. You may want to do this while on the phone with the Broker whom you feel would best serve you and whose policy meets or exceeds your needs.
Once you have selected your product, review the product with your Work Compensation insurance Broker, listen to their instructions as to how to purchase it and how to receive the paperwork necessary.
Go through the Work Compensation purchasing process while keeping in touch with your Workers Comp Broker. Since most commercial insurance purchases happen apart from being in the Brokers office physically, you may want to be where you can be on the phone with them while accessing a computer and/or fax machine.
Step Two: Documentation
Make sure you keep a copy of the Work Compensation application for enrollment into the Workers Compensation policy youve chosen.
After you receive your Workers Compensation policy packet in the mail, review it at least enough to feel comfortable that the policy you purchased is one your company can operate with.
Step Three: Remain Involved in the Process
Walk around and review your operations for any parts of it that can be made more safe. Though youre now protected with a Work Compensation policy, consider it your safety net, and that your purpose as the one most responsible for your employees, and safety.
Periodically conduct safety meetings and ask your staff for feedback about their work areas and how safe they are.
The Best Advice
Hire only those employees who will naturally adhere to best practices related to Workers Compensation and conduct and safety in the workplace.
Keep current on your states legislation regarding Workers Compensation.
When selecting an insurance carrier, ensure that you know the time period for which your Workers Compensation premium is being calculated.
Make sure you know the correct classification codes that cover the types of work you do. Dont shortcut this. If you do some work as a Roofer, then communicate that when you contact a Broker. Remember, work performed in a certain field that is unknown to the insurance carrier may result in a denied Work Compensation claim down the road.
Present your Workers Compensation insurance needs and requirements in a logical outline to one or more insurance Brokers. Let the insurance Brokers know what you need.
Evaluate the Work Compensation insurance quotes and proposals you receive. Narrow your selection down to a Broker or two and continue your information gathering process with.
Review and compare Work Compensation proposals from your finalists. You may want to do this while on the phone with the Broker whom you feel would best serve you and whose policy meets or exceeds your needs.
Once you have selected your product, review the product with your Work Compensation insurance Broker, listen to their instructions as to how to purchase it and how to receive the paperwork necessary.
Go through the Work Compensation purchasing process while keeping in touch with your Workers Comp Broker. Since most commercial insurance purchases happen apart from being in the Brokers office physically, you may want to be where you can be on the phone with them while accessing a computer and/or fax machine.
Step Two: Documentation
Make sure you keep a copy of the Work Compensation application for enrollment into the Workers Compensation policy youve chosen.
After you receive your Workers Compensation policy packet in the mail, review it at least enough to feel comfortable that the policy you purchased is one your company can operate with.
Step Three: Remain Involved in the Process
Walk around and review your operations for any parts of it that can be made more safe. Though youre now protected with a Work Compensation policy, consider it your safety net, and that your purpose as the one most responsible for your employees, and safety.
Periodically conduct safety meetings and ask your staff for feedback about their work areas and how safe they are.
The Best Advice
Hire only those employees who will naturally adhere to best practices related to Workers Compensation and conduct and safety in the workplace.