The causes for bacterial vaginosis, what are they?
One of most frequent conditions that can affect the female genital tract is Bacterial vaginosis. There are many causes for bacterial vaginosis [], some of which will be highlighted later. Even though Bacterial vaginosis is one of the most common female genital infections, 1 in 3 women will acquire this infection in their lifetime,it is not as well known as chlamydia and gonorrhea. However bacterial vaginosis infection is still a menace to women's health and well being which cannot be overlooked.
There are many contributing causes for bacterial vaginosis. However experts can not pin the cause for bacterial vaginosis down to one thing. What is know, is that bacterial vaginosis manifests itself as an imbalance in the of good and bad bacteria in the female genital tract & vagina.
Bacterial vaginosis can also be due to low levels of Lactobacilli bacteria in the vaginal tract. Lactobacilli are the good bacterium in the genital tract that battles off the bad micro organisms, that is one of the causes for bacterial vaginosis.
Bacterial vaginosis is also associated with an excess of a specific type of bad bacteria acknowledged as anaerobic strain of bacteria. Anaerobic means the bacteria can survive without oxygen. As many different combinations of bad bacteria can cause bacterial vaginosis, it can be sometimes difficult for medical professionals to identify the genus of the disease causing bacteria and find the correct antibiotic to treat it.
Certain risk factors can also increase the chances of contacting bacterial vaginosis.
These risk factors include
Multiple sex Partners
New sexual partners
Excessive vaginal douching
The above are only factors that may increase the risk of acquiring BV.
It is possible not to partake in risk increasing activities and still get a BV infection. Also the connection between sexual intercourse and bacterial vaginosis infection is not very clear, as in some circumstances, bacterial vaginosis occurs in women who have never had any sexual partners.
The best way to prevent bacterial vaginosis from reoccurring is to try and work out the most probable reasons that caused it in the first place. Good vaginal hygiene is very important, to help reduce the risk of getting Vaginosis. The genital area should be washed at least once a day, ideally with a product that does not effect the balance the acidity or PH level of the female genital tract. Also safe sex practices with condoms can help lower the risk
Even though there are many probable causes for Bacterial vaginosis, its should be noted that sometimes not cause can be pinned down. Bacterial vaginosis is not a dangerous disease, however, it is essential to always maintain healthy reproductive organs for overall health.
There are many contributing causes for bacterial vaginosis. However experts can not pin the cause for bacterial vaginosis down to one thing. What is know, is that bacterial vaginosis manifests itself as an imbalance in the of good and bad bacteria in the female genital tract & vagina.
Bacterial vaginosis can also be due to low levels of Lactobacilli bacteria in the vaginal tract. Lactobacilli are the good bacterium in the genital tract that battles off the bad micro organisms, that is one of the causes for bacterial vaginosis.
Bacterial vaginosis is also associated with an excess of a specific type of bad bacteria acknowledged as anaerobic strain of bacteria. Anaerobic means the bacteria can survive without oxygen. As many different combinations of bad bacteria can cause bacterial vaginosis, it can be sometimes difficult for medical professionals to identify the genus of the disease causing bacteria and find the correct antibiotic to treat it.
Certain risk factors can also increase the chances of contacting bacterial vaginosis.
These risk factors include
Multiple sex Partners
New sexual partners
Excessive vaginal douching
The above are only factors that may increase the risk of acquiring BV.
It is possible not to partake in risk increasing activities and still get a BV infection. Also the connection between sexual intercourse and bacterial vaginosis infection is not very clear, as in some circumstances, bacterial vaginosis occurs in women who have never had any sexual partners.
The best way to prevent bacterial vaginosis from reoccurring is to try and work out the most probable reasons that caused it in the first place. Good vaginal hygiene is very important, to help reduce the risk of getting Vaginosis. The genital area should be washed at least once a day, ideally with a product that does not effect the balance the acidity or PH level of the female genital tract. Also safe sex practices with condoms can help lower the risk
Even though there are many probable causes for Bacterial vaginosis, its should be noted that sometimes not cause can be pinned down. Bacterial vaginosis is not a dangerous disease, however, it is essential to always maintain healthy reproductive organs for overall health.