What Is White Collar Crime?
- Embezzlement is taking property owned by a person or business--usually money--while being entrusted with that property.
- Bribery involves offering money, property or services to influence the actions or decisions of another person who usually is acting in an official capacity, such as a police officer or public official. Extortion--commonly called blackmail--is when one obtains money or property by force or threat.
- Many types of fraud have been defined, including the areas of health care, taxes, credit cards, computer and Internet, mass marketing, and insurance.
- Some other white collar crimes include obstruction of justice; that is when one interferes with the criminal process in some way. Perjury is also one, a crime in which one lies under oath during a judicial proceeding.
- A few more of the many types of white collar crime include identity theft, conterfeiting, forgery, price fixing to subvert free market operations, and insider trading.
Bribery and Blackmail
Judicial Process
Additional Types