3 Keys to Weight Loss - The Healthy Way
Did you know that two thirds of Americans are overweight or obese? Sadly, the number of obese and overweight children has now climbed to 30 percent in 30 states, a troubling trend that could signal decades of weight-related health problems such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease as these children become adults.
So many Americans are struggling with weight.
Do you want to take part in this trend? Do you want your children to live long, healthy lives? Everyone has the power to change.
There have been times in my life when I wanted to lose weight.
I tried various methods, some healthy, some not so healthy.
I used to binge.
Then I would exercise a lot or drink Slimfast (not healthy) to make up for the junk I ate.
It wasn't until I gained control over my eating that I was able to lose and then maintain my weight.
It feels so good to finally know what foods work for my body.
Now I share what I learned with my clients and they achieve great results also.
My three keys to losing weight the healthy way are: 1.
Creating an ideal, balanced lifestyle.
This is where we set the framework for a healthy lifestyle.
We work to create balance in life so that important activities like exercise, work, relationships, rest, and fun can be included.
We work to organize and clear up clutter that gets in the way of achieving what the client really wants.
Once a balanced lifestyle is achieved, we work on committing to filling any gaps in life.
We then find the time to work on self-improvements like eating better and learning new habits for weight loss.
Mastering healthy ways of eating, once and for all.
To master eating well, we go over the difference between high- and low-quality foods and how to obtain them affordably.
We go over steps to plan and prepare balanced meals and eat on the run.
Importantly, we work on gaining control over the inner game of eating.
Many clients struggle with irresistible cravings, feeling out of control around food.
Emotional or binge eating becomes an issue.
We work to uncover hidden needs and psychological blocks that sabotage efforts toward success.
We work to find the motivating factors for eating well and attaining optimal weight.
Strengthening the immune system for life-long health.
You may have heard this quote by Hippocrates: "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.
" Most health conditions in modern society are food related.
That means that poor food choices contribute to health issues and healthy food choices help heal health issues.
In this step, we discuss adding nutrient-dense superfoods and immune-boosting foods to the diet.
We address food allergies, digestion and absorption of foods, and natural methods for increasing energy.
Once you figure out the "nutrition thing," a whole host of benefits occur.
You feel better.
You have more energy.
You spend less time and money in the doctor's office.
You look better.
You get more compliments from others.
You feel relieved that weight is no longer an issue and you look forward to increased longevity.
So many Americans are struggling with weight.
Do you want to take part in this trend? Do you want your children to live long, healthy lives? Everyone has the power to change.
There have been times in my life when I wanted to lose weight.
I tried various methods, some healthy, some not so healthy.
I used to binge.
Then I would exercise a lot or drink Slimfast (not healthy) to make up for the junk I ate.
It wasn't until I gained control over my eating that I was able to lose and then maintain my weight.
It feels so good to finally know what foods work for my body.
Now I share what I learned with my clients and they achieve great results also.
My three keys to losing weight the healthy way are: 1.
Creating an ideal, balanced lifestyle.
This is where we set the framework for a healthy lifestyle.
We work to create balance in life so that important activities like exercise, work, relationships, rest, and fun can be included.
We work to organize and clear up clutter that gets in the way of achieving what the client really wants.
Once a balanced lifestyle is achieved, we work on committing to filling any gaps in life.
We then find the time to work on self-improvements like eating better and learning new habits for weight loss.
Mastering healthy ways of eating, once and for all.
To master eating well, we go over the difference between high- and low-quality foods and how to obtain them affordably.
We go over steps to plan and prepare balanced meals and eat on the run.
Importantly, we work on gaining control over the inner game of eating.
Many clients struggle with irresistible cravings, feeling out of control around food.
Emotional or binge eating becomes an issue.
We work to uncover hidden needs and psychological blocks that sabotage efforts toward success.
We work to find the motivating factors for eating well and attaining optimal weight.
Strengthening the immune system for life-long health.
You may have heard this quote by Hippocrates: "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.
" Most health conditions in modern society are food related.
That means that poor food choices contribute to health issues and healthy food choices help heal health issues.
In this step, we discuss adding nutrient-dense superfoods and immune-boosting foods to the diet.
We address food allergies, digestion and absorption of foods, and natural methods for increasing energy.
Once you figure out the "nutrition thing," a whole host of benefits occur.
You feel better.
You have more energy.
You spend less time and money in the doctor's office.
You look better.
You get more compliments from others.
You feel relieved that weight is no longer an issue and you look forward to increased longevity.