A Prayer For Fathers
(Editor's Note: Being a father, a husband, and a leader in a family is not an easy task.
Just knowing that prayer has a calming effect, and that we are not alone in the tasks at hand, can be helpful in fulfilling our destiny in becoming a good person.
I am a Christian man who wrote this Christian prayer for Christian fathers everywhere.
) The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and full of mercy.
He has not dealt with us after our sins, nor held us accountable for our transgressions.
For as high as the heavens are above the Earth, so great is His mercy toward those sinners who fear Him.
Those who do not fear the Lord are fools.
A fool in scripture is not one who is stupid, but rather one who lives his or her life as if there is no God, and no personal savior in Jesus Christ.
The Lord deals kindly with those who fear Him, and honor Him.
Let us then give to others what Jesus has given to us: unconditional love, acceptance and honor in our day.
For the Lord knows our days are numbered.
Our days are like flowers in the field, that grow and blossom in their beauty and grace, then remain destined to die and fade away.
For the flowers in the field, there will be no tomorrow.
Be mindful then, to keep the Lord's covenant, fear Him, and honor Him all the days of your life.
The Lord has prepared His throne in heaven, His kingdom has rule over all, forever and always, and He has prepared a place for us in heaven.
We give thanks to you, our risen Lord, for your life-giving sacrifice, your unconditional love, your acceptance, and your continual mercy.
In Jesus name, Amen Copyright © 2008 Ed Bagley
Just knowing that prayer has a calming effect, and that we are not alone in the tasks at hand, can be helpful in fulfilling our destiny in becoming a good person.
I am a Christian man who wrote this Christian prayer for Christian fathers everywhere.
) The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and full of mercy.
He has not dealt with us after our sins, nor held us accountable for our transgressions.
For as high as the heavens are above the Earth, so great is His mercy toward those sinners who fear Him.
Those who do not fear the Lord are fools.
A fool in scripture is not one who is stupid, but rather one who lives his or her life as if there is no God, and no personal savior in Jesus Christ.
The Lord deals kindly with those who fear Him, and honor Him.
Let us then give to others what Jesus has given to us: unconditional love, acceptance and honor in our day.
For the Lord knows our days are numbered.
Our days are like flowers in the field, that grow and blossom in their beauty and grace, then remain destined to die and fade away.
For the flowers in the field, there will be no tomorrow.
Be mindful then, to keep the Lord's covenant, fear Him, and honor Him all the days of your life.
The Lord has prepared His throne in heaven, His kingdom has rule over all, forever and always, and He has prepared a place for us in heaven.
We give thanks to you, our risen Lord, for your life-giving sacrifice, your unconditional love, your acceptance, and your continual mercy.
In Jesus name, Amen Copyright © 2008 Ed Bagley