What is the root cause of ADHD Inattentive

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The  neurological basis  of Inattentive ADHD used to be a mystery .  Counselors  would  advise  patients and parents that no one  was certain  for sure what  was responsible for  ADHD. Some psychiatrist  still tell patients and parents this but the  actuality  is that we know  a lot more about what  can cause Inattentive ADHD today then we did even a year ago.

There is not  singular   source  of Inattentive ADHD. There are thought to be  multiple factors that  make contributions to this problem. Investigators, over the past 60 years have been  discovering  the causes of ADHD and now  are sure that what is happening in the brain is a  complicated  interplay of many factors including:

Gene Factors

Neurotransmitter Factors

Environmental Dangers

Food Related Issues

Health Habits

Pregnancy  and Fetal Factors

There is not  just one   genetic factor  that is the  reason for or cause of Inattentive ADHD (ADHD-PI). There are many  genetic factors  that can  contribute to these Inattentive and  unfocused symptoms . It will take  quite a few  years to  make sense of  the genetics of Inattentive ADHD but it looks  as though the genetic character  of  an individual with Inattentive ADHD in China will  appear different  from the genetic picture  of  an individual  with ADHD-PI from Chicago or from Iran.

We also now  have discovered  that there  is almost certainly  not likely just one  unique gene but  most likely   a handful of  of genes that can all  contribute to the symptoms of Inattentive ADHD.

There is not one or two neurotransmitters amiss when it comes to what  results in  the symptoms of Inattentive ADHD. It is now believed that perhaps many or all the neurotransmitters and their receptors may be  participating  improperly. We once  presumed  that dopamine and nor-epinephrine  failures  were the main problems causing ADHD symptoms. Dopamine  errors were thought to result in  impulsive behavior and hyperactivity and nor-epinephrine (malfunction | problems} caused inattentiveness. We now  see that dopamine, nor-epinephrine, glutamate, serotonin, and maybe a neurotransmitter known as PEA all may  be responsible for  the symptoms of Inattentive ADHD.

There is not  just one  environmental toxin that cause Inattentive ADHD, there have been  various environmental  variables  reported to  be causative reasons for  Inattentive ADHD. Some of the substances include pesticides, lead exposure, fetal alcohol exposure, fetal nicotine exposure, exposure to maternal depression and exposure to maternal stress to name a few. A recent study  determined  that Pitocin, a  substance widely used during pregnancy and labor to induce delivery, as increasing the  the chances of being found to have a diagnosis} of ADHD.

There is not  one particular  diet related problem  that may be a cause  of Inattentive ADHD, there are  more than a few . Omega-3 fatty acids, Zinc and Magnesium  insufficiencies have been  evaluated in  children  with ADHD and one  investigation determined  that as many as 30% of  young children with ADHD may have  allergy symptoms  to food dyes or other  nutritional elements  such as eggs, wheat or milk.  According to several studies , children  with  reduced or sub-standard  protein diets  are also more likely to have ADHD symptoms  .
Lifestyle  factors such as exercise,  keeping away from  oxidants such as excess  alcohol consumption  and cigarettes, brain exercising activities such as cross word puzzles, and cognitive practice as well as  partaking of  coffee, green tea and some natural  herbal products  such as Bacopa Monieri have also been found  to help lessen  the symptoms of ADHD-PI.

One study found that the oxidant level in the brain of  patients with ADHD was  atypically high .   Scientists have yet to understand what causes these abnormal oxidant levels but substances  such as green tea, coffee and Bacopa (which are antioxidants) may help  Inattentive ADHD by normalizing  the brain's oxidant status.

It would be  lovely  to find one  simple   origin  of Inattentive ADHD.  If ADHD-PI was like a  microbial condition , we could kill the  micro organism and find the remedy for Inattentive ADHD.

As you can see, the possible factors causing Inattentive ADHD are not only  multiple, they are also likely working in tandem . Researchers  are moving  rapidly  in their crusade to unravel the  reasons behind  this  challenging condition  and they have learned  quite a bit in their studies but without a doubt, there is still quite a bit left to  uncover .
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