Common Minnesota Spiders
- Many common spiders are not dangerous to humans.Black and Yellow Garden Spider image by W.L. Martin from
Most common spiders found in Minnesota will not hurt you and some can be beneficial by eating many insects in your home. The majority of spiders are harmless and will usually remain hidden in dark areas. Very few spiders will bite and if they do bite, it is nothing worse than a bee sting. Common house spiders in Minnesota can be found in and around the home. - Wolf spiders are mainly seen outdoors, but a few can be seen indoors as well. These spiders can get up to 3/4 of an inch long and are dark brown or gray and have small white markings. Wolf spiders commonly inhabit swamps, grassy meadows and warm places. These spiders are not dangerous, but will bite if they feel alarmed or in danger.
- Jumping spiders are very common indoors and outdoors. These spiders are often found in the sunlight near window, doors and walls. The spiders are no longer than 1/2 inch and are black in color with white markings. Jumping spiders have great vision and can see up to 8 inches in front of them. Their name comes from the fact that they jump on their prey and jump up to many times their own body length. Jumping spiders are not dangerous and will only bite if they feel threatened.
- Crab spiders get no bigger than 2/5 inch long and are crab-like. The front four legs are spread out like a crab, which allows the spider to be able to walk forward, backward and sideways. These spiders are usually not found indoors and can been found outdoors on flowers, stems and leaves. Most spiders will go after their prey, but crab spiders will sit very still and attack prey as it walks by. They can kill insects up to three times their size. Crab spiders can camouflage their body many different colors and their bites are not harmful to humans. These spiders will only bite if picked up or threatened.
- Grass spiders are found more commonly outdoors and are black with yellow markings. These spiders spin webs on the ground, walls, plants and foundations. They can reach up to 3/4 of an inch long and can create a very large web. Like many other common spiders, grass spiders will only bite if they feel threatened and the bite is not dangerous.
Wolf Spider
Jumping Spider
Crab Spiders
Grass Spiders