New Testament Is Not a Historical Record

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Not a Record of Events Many believe that the New Testament is an accurate record of events that occurred in relation to Jesus Christ but this is not the case.
It was compiled from papers that were floating around in the Roman Empire when Jerome was appointed by Damasus to produce a book to credit the Catholic Church.
He was also in charge of formulating the function and laws of the religion which he subsequently wrote about in his diaries, letters and elsewhere.
Catholic Church established by Constantine When the Roman Catholic Church was established by Emperor Constantine in 325 AD the ones who were called to the Council of Nicaea by him were mostly illiterate and sun worshipers.
Some had been severely tortured and at least one of the delegates had had one of his eyes ripped out and the socket seared with a red hot poker.
That was in compliance with the emperor's orders to force people to worship the cross.
Public Could Not Read There were no schools at that time and only scribes were educated within the temples and monasteries.
That meant that the general public were unable to read so there was not much point in writing stuff down.
Those who had something to say did it by preaching in the streets.
Even Constantine was illiterate as it was not in his upbringing.
He had others to do that kind of thing for him and his main goal was to be a good general and lead his army to success in battle.
New Testament Not a Record of History So where did the material for the New Testament come from.
It was recorded by Jerome that he used the material around the empire to compile the book and that obviously included the story of Krishna, as the book of Matthew is based on it.
He was the third person in the Vedic Trinity as was Christ, according to the work.
The Trinity of the Indian religion of Krishna is where the notion of the Trinity Godhead of Christianity arose.
Nature of God was Changed Jerome noted in his recordings that he translated the Septuagint (Old Testament) and added bits to it to make it comply with the New Testament.
The latter is what changed the nature of God from Spirit to man and altered the prophecies that stated that only those of Israel would have the inheritance of eternal life.
It was in the interests of the fledgling church to give everyone hope of salvation and that it did successfully through the production and works of this scribe.
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