2 Penis Enlargement Products I Hope You"ll Never Try (Don"t Mangle Your Manhood)
Why? Because they are dangerous.
Or potentially harmful to your health.
And, equally as important..
they don't work! The simple truth is if you are anything like I was when i first got interested in improving my manhood, you are probably open to ANY size solution that seems like it will work, right? Pills, pumps, pulleys, potions, lotions and more all seem like fair game to those of us desperate for size.
One thing I thankfully learned early on? Most enlargement products are a scam...
and play on our fears to make us BELIEVE (and then buy) silly solutions that have ZERO chance of making ANYTHING bigger at all.
(other than the bank accounts of the corporations that sell them.
) Now listen: I've written a lot about which penis enlargement products I recommend you avoid in the past.
I've also written a fair amount about which techniques I believe are at the TOP of the totem pole as well.
(natural exercise has worked wonders for me) But below...
I'd like to quickly point out 2 very popular penis enlargement strategies I hope you'll never try...
simply because they are dubious...
or dangerous, or both.
Filed Under: Hanging Weights Can MANGLE your Member Yes..
it's a little play on words.
But in truth, it's NO laughing matter.
Many men have caused permanent injury to their ligaments, have caused internal bleeding,scarring, impotence and other terrible consequences as a byproduct of experimenting with hanging weights.
What you need to know is this: They don't work - they AREN'T natural, and there is never ANY occasion where tying a weight to the end of your penis is smart.
(period!) Filed Under: "Enlargement" Herbs are NOT Recommended as Well Why? They don't work..
that's #1.
And 2? They have been proven to be a prime source of contamination, fraud and a breeding ground for ingesting harmful pesticides and pollutants.
Remember, the FDA doesn't monitor these products until complaints are lodged.
This means you are more or less TRUSTING that what they tell you are swallowing, really is the truth.
(and unfortunately, after hearing some of the horror stories, that's a level of trust I've NOT got to give.