Can Meditation Help You Reduce Anxiety?
If you are caught up in the cycle of stress and anxiety to the point you are experiencing panic attacks is it possible you can find relief in something as simple as meditation? It is easy to dismiss meditation as new age mumbo jumbo, but let's take a second and examine it more closely.
Stress and anxiety can trigger your bodies' fight or flight mechanisms.
It increases your adrenaline.
You experience short shallow breathing.
Your heart beats faster.
Your muscles tense up as if you are preparing for a physical blow.
Meditation in its simplest form is slow relaxed breathing.
Deep slow breathing can help to lower your heart rate.
It can help you to relax your muscles.
The main goal of meditation is to clear your mind.
Not just of stressful thoughts but of all thought.
So when you think about it, meditation is aimed at producing the exact opposite effect on your body as stress.
Meditation is aimed at producing a state of deep calm and tranquility which allows you to clear your mind of stressful thoughts and emotions.
It can also help improve certain medical conditions.
Meditation has been around for thousands of years.
While some people like to focus on the spiritual aspects it is not a prerequisite for experiencing the physical benefits.
If you are interested in experimenting with meditation the great thing about it is all you need is 5-20 minutes of free time and,when you are first starting out, a nice quiet place to sit.
As you become more skilled at meditation you will find that you can practice it almost anywhere.
Meditation can take on different forms.
There is guided meditation where you you focus on visual images of places and situations you find relaxing.
There is mantra meditation which focuses on using a word or phrase to eliminate distracting thoughts.
There is mindful meditation where the goal is to learn to live more in the moment.
If none of these styles appeal to you then there are types of meditation that involve physical movement and are aimed at clearing the mind, such as Qi Gong, Tai Chi and Yoga.
When stress and anxiety have overtaken you, when panic attacks are limiting your ability to lead a happy life, can you afford to overlook any avenue of possible treatment? Maybe meditation can help you relieve stress and reduce your anxiety.
Take a deep breath and give it a try!
Stress and anxiety can trigger your bodies' fight or flight mechanisms.
It increases your adrenaline.
You experience short shallow breathing.
Your heart beats faster.
Your muscles tense up as if you are preparing for a physical blow.
Meditation in its simplest form is slow relaxed breathing.
Deep slow breathing can help to lower your heart rate.
It can help you to relax your muscles.
The main goal of meditation is to clear your mind.
Not just of stressful thoughts but of all thought.
So when you think about it, meditation is aimed at producing the exact opposite effect on your body as stress.
Meditation is aimed at producing a state of deep calm and tranquility which allows you to clear your mind of stressful thoughts and emotions.
It can also help improve certain medical conditions.
Meditation has been around for thousands of years.
While some people like to focus on the spiritual aspects it is not a prerequisite for experiencing the physical benefits.
If you are interested in experimenting with meditation the great thing about it is all you need is 5-20 minutes of free time and,when you are first starting out, a nice quiet place to sit.
As you become more skilled at meditation you will find that you can practice it almost anywhere.
Meditation can take on different forms.
There is guided meditation where you you focus on visual images of places and situations you find relaxing.
There is mantra meditation which focuses on using a word or phrase to eliminate distracting thoughts.
There is mindful meditation where the goal is to learn to live more in the moment.
If none of these styles appeal to you then there are types of meditation that involve physical movement and are aimed at clearing the mind, such as Qi Gong, Tai Chi and Yoga.
When stress and anxiety have overtaken you, when panic attacks are limiting your ability to lead a happy life, can you afford to overlook any avenue of possible treatment? Maybe meditation can help you relieve stress and reduce your anxiety.
Take a deep breath and give it a try!