Are You Serious About a Work at Home Internet Business?
How serious are you about a work at home internet business? It's a fair question because a "real" work at home business is going to be serious work. Yeah, work.
I wish I could sugar coat it, but that would be a lie!
I have a home based business and it is pure old fashioned work. I get up every morning, get dressed, do all the normal morning preparations and go to work. The main difference is I work from home.
So what is the advantage? Well the advantages are potentially many. I mean by that, that I could give you my list but they may not mean anything to you.
Much of the worth of anything is in the eye of the beholder.
To me, a work at home internet business has theses advantages:
* Work from home.
* No boss.
* Work on my schedule.
* Work from anywhere.
* Set my own goals.
* Earn what I'm worth.
* What I earn is mine.
* Etc.
Now here is the serious part. Because of the advantages, I have to be serious about my business, and you will have to be too.
Each advantage brings additional responsibilities. There is no safety net! There is no automatic paycheck whether I really produce or not; as in many "normal" jobs.
Since we're being serious, here are some requirements:
* Must be self motivated and seriously want to work.
* Must be responsible for all actions and lack of action.
* Must be organized and diligent.
* Must be purpose and goal oriented.
Summary: You must be ready, willing and able to do anything and everything to start up, maintain and grow your work at home internet business...and more.
Assuming you have a "real" business with real potential, your business will fail, if you fail your business. That's why you have to be serious.
It may not be what you want to hear but there are too many big, empty promises of quick and easy wealth out there. You may just want to thank me later.
There are also a host of benefits that come with working from home: personal freedom, more time for the important things in your life, the potential to become very successful and fulfill your dreams or change your lifestyle, etc.
Are you still serious about a work at home internet business? I hope you are!
My name is Gerrald (Jerry) Hendrix. I am an internet entrepreneur. I market wealth education, creation and management products and services. To learn more about me, my history and my work at home internet business please visit: Gerrald Hendrix: My Blog
Please take some time to browse and feel free to leave a comment. If you are looking for a serious business, please visit my website I share with my associate Michael. He has a free video describing our business:
I wish I could sugar coat it, but that would be a lie!
I have a home based business and it is pure old fashioned work. I get up every morning, get dressed, do all the normal morning preparations and go to work. The main difference is I work from home.
So what is the advantage? Well the advantages are potentially many. I mean by that, that I could give you my list but they may not mean anything to you.
Much of the worth of anything is in the eye of the beholder.
To me, a work at home internet business has theses advantages:
* Work from home.
* No boss.
* Work on my schedule.
* Work from anywhere.
* Set my own goals.
* Earn what I'm worth.
* What I earn is mine.
* Etc.
Now here is the serious part. Because of the advantages, I have to be serious about my business, and you will have to be too.
Each advantage brings additional responsibilities. There is no safety net! There is no automatic paycheck whether I really produce or not; as in many "normal" jobs.
Since we're being serious, here are some requirements:
* Must be self motivated and seriously want to work.
* Must be responsible for all actions and lack of action.
* Must be organized and diligent.
* Must be purpose and goal oriented.
Summary: You must be ready, willing and able to do anything and everything to start up, maintain and grow your work at home internet business...and more.
Assuming you have a "real" business with real potential, your business will fail, if you fail your business. That's why you have to be serious.
It may not be what you want to hear but there are too many big, empty promises of quick and easy wealth out there. You may just want to thank me later.
There are also a host of benefits that come with working from home: personal freedom, more time for the important things in your life, the potential to become very successful and fulfill your dreams or change your lifestyle, etc.
Are you still serious about a work at home internet business? I hope you are!
My name is Gerrald (Jerry) Hendrix. I am an internet entrepreneur. I market wealth education, creation and management products and services. To learn more about me, my history and my work at home internet business please visit: Gerrald Hendrix: My Blog
Please take some time to browse and feel free to leave a comment. If you are looking for a serious business, please visit my website I share with my associate Michael. He has a free video describing our business: