About Life After Death, How Will You Spend Eternity - In Peace and Joy Or Torment and Shame?
Let it be known that there is an eternal supreme being who created the heavens and the earth.
He is known by many names but I'll refer to him as God or God the Father.
What does this mean for you? It means that death is not the end, you have an eternal destiny and the choices you make in this life will determine how you will spend eternity...
Will it be in peace or torment? "Since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities, eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen by men and understood from what has been made so that men have no excuse to deny God's existence.
" Romans 1:20 What's more, we as human beings were created in his image.
God the Father is a spirit, so it is logical that we are a spirit living in a body made of flesh.
Genesis 1:27 God so loved humanity, he made a way for redemption of mankind through Jesus Christ God the Father has no pleasure in seeing anyone perish.
Hell was created for Satan and his angels, not men.
But because he is a righteous God, those who are unrighteous will face his wrath and perish.
It is written...
"There is no one righteous, not one.
There is no one who understands, no one who seeks God.
All have turned away they have together become worthless.
There is no one who does good, not even one.
Their throats are open graves and their tongues practice deceit.
The poison of vipers is on their lips.
Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness.
Their feet are swift to shed blood.
Ruin and misery mark their ways and the way of peace they do not know.
There is no fear of God before their eyes.
" Romans 3:10-18 You see, not one of us is righteous enough to gain entry into heaven because God's law condemns us all.
But God is able to make us righteous apart from the law.
It comes by faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe in him.
God presented Jesus as a sacrifice of atonement by sending him to the cross to be crucified.
Christ paid for our salvation with his blood.
He then rose from the dead on the Jewish day of "First Fruits" (for Christians the day is called Easter).
He was the first to be raised from the dead with an eternal body.
Suppose you had a debt that you could not pay such as a high mortgage payment.
But before the bank could remove you from your home and put you in the street, someone comes along and redeems your back payments, penalties and goes as far as to pay off the entire mortgage.
Now you are free and clear of any mortgage payment with a home for you to live in.
In a sense that is what Christ has done for everyone who believes that he died and rose from the dead.
The wages of sin is death.
He paid your debt for sin so you can avoid judgment.
Faith is credited as righteousness Abraham believed God.
His faith was credited to him as righteousness.
By having faith in Christ Jesus we also can be credited with righteousness and become a child of God.
"Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will never hold against him" (Romans 4:8).
The sons and daughters of God the Father will inherit eternal life.
When you receive Christ Jesus into your heart, you have found the greatest treasure there is.
The resurrected body will be imperishable A body full of light for those who are in Christ but for those who are condemned the resurrected body will be imperishable, full of darkness and torment.
What, you ask? How are the dead raised and what kind of body will they come back with? For you who have your name written in the "Book of Life".
A trumpet will sound, the dead (only those who's body fell asleep believing in Christ) will be raised and those who are living (believers in Christ) will be changed in the wink of an eye (split second).
1 Corinthians 16:50 1 Corinthians 15:35 tells us that it will be a spiritual body, not like a ghost but a body in which we are able to eat, drink and enjoy the fruits of the new earth.
Apostle Paul describes this body as being incorruptible.
Without disease, weakness and having the ability to travel at the speed of thought.
The same type of a body as Christ's body when he rose from the dead for those who are his brothers and sisters will be like him.
Imagine for a moment, having the ability to travel to and from the earth at the speed of thought.
All you have to do is think about where you want to go...
You're there.
There is no other way to travel the vast expanse of the universe.
Those who are not believers in Christ will not be raised until judgment day, according to Revelation 21:11 and Daniel 12: They will be raised, judged according to what they have done as recorded in the books and then cast into the lake of fire for eternal torment, shame and contempt.
He is known by many names but I'll refer to him as God or God the Father.
What does this mean for you? It means that death is not the end, you have an eternal destiny and the choices you make in this life will determine how you will spend eternity...
Will it be in peace or torment? "Since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities, eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen by men and understood from what has been made so that men have no excuse to deny God's existence.
" Romans 1:20 What's more, we as human beings were created in his image.
God the Father is a spirit, so it is logical that we are a spirit living in a body made of flesh.
Genesis 1:27 God so loved humanity, he made a way for redemption of mankind through Jesus Christ God the Father has no pleasure in seeing anyone perish.
Hell was created for Satan and his angels, not men.
But because he is a righteous God, those who are unrighteous will face his wrath and perish.
It is written...
"There is no one righteous, not one.
There is no one who understands, no one who seeks God.
All have turned away they have together become worthless.
There is no one who does good, not even one.
Their throats are open graves and their tongues practice deceit.
The poison of vipers is on their lips.
Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness.
Their feet are swift to shed blood.
Ruin and misery mark their ways and the way of peace they do not know.
There is no fear of God before their eyes.
" Romans 3:10-18 You see, not one of us is righteous enough to gain entry into heaven because God's law condemns us all.
But God is able to make us righteous apart from the law.
It comes by faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe in him.
God presented Jesus as a sacrifice of atonement by sending him to the cross to be crucified.
Christ paid for our salvation with his blood.
He then rose from the dead on the Jewish day of "First Fruits" (for Christians the day is called Easter).
He was the first to be raised from the dead with an eternal body.
Suppose you had a debt that you could not pay such as a high mortgage payment.
But before the bank could remove you from your home and put you in the street, someone comes along and redeems your back payments, penalties and goes as far as to pay off the entire mortgage.
Now you are free and clear of any mortgage payment with a home for you to live in.
In a sense that is what Christ has done for everyone who believes that he died and rose from the dead.
The wages of sin is death.
He paid your debt for sin so you can avoid judgment.
Faith is credited as righteousness Abraham believed God.
His faith was credited to him as righteousness.
By having faith in Christ Jesus we also can be credited with righteousness and become a child of God.
"Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will never hold against him" (Romans 4:8).
The sons and daughters of God the Father will inherit eternal life.
When you receive Christ Jesus into your heart, you have found the greatest treasure there is.
The resurrected body will be imperishable A body full of light for those who are in Christ but for those who are condemned the resurrected body will be imperishable, full of darkness and torment.
What, you ask? How are the dead raised and what kind of body will they come back with? For you who have your name written in the "Book of Life".
A trumpet will sound, the dead (only those who's body fell asleep believing in Christ) will be raised and those who are living (believers in Christ) will be changed in the wink of an eye (split second).
1 Corinthians 16:50 1 Corinthians 15:35 tells us that it will be a spiritual body, not like a ghost but a body in which we are able to eat, drink and enjoy the fruits of the new earth.
Apostle Paul describes this body as being incorruptible.
Without disease, weakness and having the ability to travel at the speed of thought.
The same type of a body as Christ's body when he rose from the dead for those who are his brothers and sisters will be like him.
Imagine for a moment, having the ability to travel to and from the earth at the speed of thought.
All you have to do is think about where you want to go...
You're there.
There is no other way to travel the vast expanse of the universe.
Those who are not believers in Christ will not be raised until judgment day, according to Revelation 21:11 and Daniel 12: They will be raised, judged according to what they have done as recorded in the books and then cast into the lake of fire for eternal torment, shame and contempt.