The Advantages of the Livescribe Pulse Smartpen
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As you write in your Livescribe notebook, the Livescribe Pulse Smartpen records an audio file of the lecture or conversation while it "watches" your notes with its infrared sensor. It combines your notes and the audio into one file for you. You can go back and click on your notes and hear what was being said when you wrote a specific note. You don't have to start a recording device while you're taking notes and then try to match the two media up later. Also, you can set it on mute so as not to distract your meeting or class while you change commands. - Jupiterimages/BananaStock/Getty Images
Once you are ready to review your notes, you can adjust the playback speed of the audio if the speaker is talking too slow or too fast. You can jump between audio files by dates or page numbers in your Livescribe notebook. You can listen to your notes in stereo through the headphones for the smartpen, which can double as microphones while you are in recording mode with the Livescribe Pulse Smartpen. - Jupiterimages/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images
Use the Livescribe dock to connect the pen with your PC, and upload your notes using the Livescribe software. Your notes as you have written them appear in files according to page number and notebook, and you can click on the notes with your mouse to hear your audio files. You can also search your notes by keyword. If you need to share your notes with a friend or send a teacher or colleague questions referencing your notes, you can simply email the file instead of scanning it in or risking losing your notebook by lending it. - Jupiterimages/ Images
You can adjust the pen for right- or left-handed use, which affects how the screen on the Livescribe Pulse Smartpen displays results -- either vertically or horizontally.
The pen doubles as a calculator. When in Calc mode, you can write out the equation, and the answer appears on the pen's screen.
You can translate with the pen. When you write a word in one language, the pen can translate it into another language for you.
Two Media Combined
Recall and Review
PC Compatible
Other Features