Tax Assistance Programs
- You may qualify for free assistance to help with your tax forms image by Chad McDermott from
When it comes to deciphering an income tax form, most of us might as well be reading a foreign language. It may start out simple enough, but the fine details become a lot more complicated. If you have a professional who takes care of this arduous task, you're one of the lucky ones. If not, you may qualify for free tax assistance to guide you through your return. - Free tax assistance locations can include community centers and libraries.Shopping center constraction image by TekinT from
VITA or the volunteer income tax assistance program, provides accredited volunteer help answer questions and help you fill out your tax return. To receive this free assistance, you need to be in a low to moderately low income bracket, making approximately $49,000 per year or less. Volunteers are normally found in community centers, libraries, schools or other convenient locations. To find a list of assistance centers in your area, you can visit the IRS website. - The AARP and IRS provide tax assistance for the elderly.casually dressed old man image by Peter Baxter from
If you are 60 or older, and you are in a low to moderate tax bracket, you may be eligible for free tax assistance. Many of the volunteers for this program are retired individuals working with non-profit organizations that are funded by grants from the IRS. You can also find help through the AARP (American Association of Retired Persons), which has more than 7,000 locations nationwide during peak tax season. - Military personnel can receive free tax assistance through their military installation.chinese soldiers image by Luisafer from
Military personnel and their families can receive free tax assistance and preparation through the military installation where they are stationed. The Armed Forces Tax Council provides volunteers who are trained in military specific areas of tax requirements as well as general tax information. The AFTC oversees the worldwide military program for tax compliance and is the main point of contact for the IRS regarding military personnel.
Tax Help for the Elderly
Military Personnel