How to Fax Resumes Online
- 1). Format your resume and save it as a "DOC" or "PDF" file. If you plan on faxing a cover letter along with your resume, make sure it's in the same format.
- 2). Determine the company's fax number as well as the hiring manager's name. Your fax cover sheet needs to be addressed to the right person or department.
- 3). Choose an Internet fax provider. The online fax market is competitive; you should have plenty of choices. Some providers, such as FaxZero, offer free fax transmissions, however, the cover sheet has advertisements.
- 4). Sign up for the service, if using a premium fax service. All providers accept credit cards; some accept PayPal. Prices vary between providers; some offer monthly subscriptions starting around $10; others charge a few dollars for each transmission.
- 5). Upload your document and address your cover letter using the online template. Upload your cover letter, if you are applying with one. Enter the recipients fax number and select "Send" or "Complete" to begin the transmission. Wait for confirmation before exiting the page.