There Are Many Options to Consider When Caring for Aging Parents (Part 1)
Will they be able to remain in their own home, benefit from an assisted living facility, or require a nursing home? If your parents are independent and can remain in their home safely, there are several options available to them if they do require some type of assistance.
It is very important for the elderly to stay in their own home.
For many it may be the only home they have had for many years and do not want to leave a familiar environment.
They have developed many good memories in their home and it is important to them to stay.
How can caring for parents be made easier? Home health services can be utilized if your parents have developed any type of health concerns that may require monitoring.
A visiting nurse will come by periodically to check on them and educate them about their disease process.
Physical therapy can also be provided in the home.
Therapy can assist those who have become weak to gain strength.
Therapy is very beneficial in the recovery after a stroke or surgery.
Therapy sessions are limited, but they are intended to educate the patient and family members on what exercises will be beneficial and how to perform them safely.
To receive the best benefits from this service the patient should perform the exercises themselves on the days that the therapist is not scheduled to come.
Once therapy sessions are complete they will be able to continue on their own.
If they have difficulty performing daily tasks such as cooking, cleaning, laundry or grocery shopping they may qualify for a provider.
This is based on income and the type of insurance they have.
A provider is limited to services which do not require direct patient care.
Caring for parents may include moving them to an assisted living facility.
This type of facility can be as small as a personal care home where they live in a private home with as few as four to ten people.
The size of this home will depend on the square footage of the home, the number of bedrooms and what the home has been licensed to accommodate by the state.
The advantage of this smaller facility is being in a regular home environment, receiving more personal care and knowing the fellow residents more personally.
The staff is available to assist in taking medications or simply provide reminders to them.
They also provide sit down, family style meals that will accommodate any special diets required due to health reasons.
Please read (Part 2) of this article to find out about a few more of the options that are available.