Title II Formula Grants
- Title II Formula grants fund programs to reduce juvenile delinquency.banlieue 8 image by Nathalie P from Fotolia.com
The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention administers Title II Formula grants. The office's goal is to increase the availability of prevention and intervention programs, according to its website. Each fiscal year, the program gives funds to state agencies, which offer grants to nonprofits, government agencies and tribal organizations that work with juvenile offenders at the local level. - The Indiana Criminal Justice Institute administers Title II Formula funds for the state. Each spring, the institute offers grant opportunities to public entities such as state, city and county agencies and public colleges. Grant awards range from $5,000 to $150,000 per year. Eligible projects include juvenile court services, truancy prevention, mental health counseling, probation services and programs to mitigate over-representation of minority youth in the juvenile justice system.
Indiana Criminal Justice Institute
101 West Washington St.
Suite 1170, East Tower
Indianapolis, IN 46204
in.gov - The Missouri Department of Public Safety administers the state's Title II Formula grants program. Eligible applicants include nonprofit organizations and public agencies. Priority is given to applicants who are already receiving funding, but some funds are set aside for new applicants. To qualify, proposals must include a focus on alternatives to detention, programs or research to prevent delinquency, or services for female juvenile offenders.
Missouri Department of Public Safety
301 W. High St.
Harry S Truman Building, Rm. 870
Jefferson City, MO 65102
mo.gov - The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation administers the state's Title II Formula grant funding. Each year, the department offers grant opportunities to public and private agencies and tribal governments. Funds must be used for "alternatives to detention, disproportionate minority contact, evidence-based programs/promising approaches, restorative justice principles and holistic approach to counsel," according to the department website. Grant proposals with a focus on reducing the over-representation of minority youth in the juvenile justice system receive priority.
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
600 Bercut Drive
Sacramento, CA 95811