Removing Stains From Commercial Tile
- 1). Dust the tile completely with a microfiber cloth or a microfiber mop. Dry dust is much easier to remove than wet dust and dirt.
- 2). Fill a bucket with warm water.
- 3). Add 1 cup white vinegar. White vinegar is a natural disinfectant that is nontoxic and natural. It will also remove hard water, soap scum and other alkaline stains.
- 4). Dip a scrubbing brush into the solution.
- 5). Scrub the solution over the commercial tile until it is completely clean and shiny.
- 6). Let the tile surface dry completely. White vinegar residue will help prevent mold and mildew on the tile.
- 7). Mix 2 tablespoons bleach with 2 tablespoons water.
- 8). Blot the solution over stains with a clean cloth. Work until the stains are gone or until they no longer transfer to the cloth.
- 9). Mix a few drops liquid dish soap with 1 cup water if the stain is still visible. Mix until the water is sudsy.
- 10
Dip a piece of superfine steel wool into the solution. - 11
Scrub the area until the stain is gone. - 12
Rinse the tile with clear water and dry it completely with a clean cloth.