Tips For Multiple Births
Multiple pregnancies have been on the rise in the recent years with the increasing number of twins and other types of multiple being born.
So, the following discussion is based on how to handle multiple births.
There are different reasons which lead to multiple births.
Firstly, due to the release of multiple eggs or if there is more than one ovulation during menstrual cycle.
if both the eggs are fertilized it results in fraternal twins.
Secondly, in case of identical twins, one egg is released and fertilized but divides into two.
Both the above conditions can occur naturally or can be obtained using fertility drugs.
Use of such drugs is on the rise these days.
Early detection of twins or multiple births can be done by ultrasound, while others find rapid growth rate of uterus causing them to suspect twins.
During prenatal tests the doctor may find abnormally high level of hCG, since multiple babies will increase the level of these hormones.
If the mother is detected with multiple pregnancies it is necessary to increase the nutritional intake.
In general the mother must increase the amount of protein consumption.
Since protein is the building bloc of every cell in both mother and babies body.
Moreover it will help to build a good placenta and a strong amniotic sac.
The following are some tips for a healthy pregnancy.
A healthy diet can reduce the problem of low birth weight which is a common problem during multiple pregnancies.
Consuming about 300 additional calories along with additional protein and calcium can solve the problem.
Expert medical monitoring during pregnancy may reduce the risk of complications such as high blood pressure, twin to twin transfusion and decreased growth rate of the babies.
Proper rest is very essential and must consult a physician regularly for diet and other charts.
So, the following discussion is based on how to handle multiple births.
There are different reasons which lead to multiple births.
Firstly, due to the release of multiple eggs or if there is more than one ovulation during menstrual cycle.
if both the eggs are fertilized it results in fraternal twins.
Secondly, in case of identical twins, one egg is released and fertilized but divides into two.
Both the above conditions can occur naturally or can be obtained using fertility drugs.
Use of such drugs is on the rise these days.
Early detection of twins or multiple births can be done by ultrasound, while others find rapid growth rate of uterus causing them to suspect twins.
During prenatal tests the doctor may find abnormally high level of hCG, since multiple babies will increase the level of these hormones.
If the mother is detected with multiple pregnancies it is necessary to increase the nutritional intake.
In general the mother must increase the amount of protein consumption.
Since protein is the building bloc of every cell in both mother and babies body.
Moreover it will help to build a good placenta and a strong amniotic sac.
The following are some tips for a healthy pregnancy.
A healthy diet can reduce the problem of low birth weight which is a common problem during multiple pregnancies.
Consuming about 300 additional calories along with additional protein and calcium can solve the problem.
Expert medical monitoring during pregnancy may reduce the risk of complications such as high blood pressure, twin to twin transfusion and decreased growth rate of the babies.
Proper rest is very essential and must consult a physician regularly for diet and other charts.