The 8 Signs And Symptoms Of Gout
Some of the other symptoms or signs of gout can be found throughout the body these may include pain and swelling in areas such as: the big toe, ball of the foot, arch of the foot, ankle, knee, knuckle, wrist, elbow, and hip. Some of the more clear cut signs that gout has occurred are: gouty arthritis, tophi (hard lumps that are under the skin and happen around the joints affected), Hyperuricemia, skin lumps, arthritis of one joint, arthritis attacks which are rapidly onset, and recurrent arthritis attacks.
When moving or touching a toe that has been affected by gout it is severely painful and by not letting it breath or by keeping it covered it can become even more painful. Gout is a disease in which the symptoms develop at a quick pace. Many times the symptoms occur in one day and generally it only occurs in one joint at a time.
It's pretty rare if symptoms of gout develop in two or three joints at the same time. When widespread symptoms occur like this it is more than likely not gout. But if symptoms are left untreated and it is gout than it is very serious, as gout can permanently damage joints and even cause disability. This is why it's vital to not delay in getting gout diagnosed. If you feel you are displaying any gout symptoms your best course of action would be to make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible.
Once you've got yourself along to the doctors there are four common methods for pinpointing the disease.
1. Medical history review and a physical examination Your physician should look at your family history and personal medical history. A clear indication of gout can be tophi, which are lumps under the skin, as well as a red shiny area above the affected area. There are some conditions besides gout in which these symptoms occur so a thorough medical examination is needed.
2. Blood test A blood test is important as it can determine the amount of uric acid in the blood. However, this isn't always the best method for diagnosing gout, as high uric acid in the blood does not always mean you have gout. Also if a person is currently undergoing a gout attack uric acid levels in the blood can be in the normal range.
3. X-Rays Tophi crystals show up in x-rays as they can be seen under the skin. Many times though x-rays can miss affected joints as they can have gout but appear to look normal.
4. Arthrocentesis The most reliable method of diagnosing gout is by using arthrocentesis. Basically a sample of the synovial fluid is taken from the affected joint via syringe and needle. This synovial fluid is then looked at under a microscope and if there is a presence of monosodium urate (MSU) crystals in the fluid than you have gout.
Once you have a firm diagnosis of gout, you can take steps to keeping the condition under control.