What Makes a Penis Enlargement Pill "Good"?
You see commercials for prescriptions and other herbal products day in and day out, but what makes one product better than the other? Well, as you may have guessed, part of it is the person.
One product might work great for one person, but not so great for another person.
This can be for many reasons.
For example, the herb Yohimbe has been used for years and years as a natural aphrodisiac and can greatly improve arousal and sensitivity, but for some people it might not be so great.
This is because this is an herb that can make your heart race, make your nose run, cause anxiety, blood pressure issues etc.
, but again, some people have no problem with this herb and use it on a regular basis.
So one major component of if all is you and how your body reacts.
What works best for you, might not work best for everyone.
If you are not a fan of pills, there are always patches, cremes and oils.
However, since I'm addressing the issue of what makes a penis enlargement pill "good", or some penis enlargement pills better than others, we will stick with pills...
and the answer is simple!...
Ingredients! Some of your pills are cheaply made with one herb such as Yohimbe, or horny goat weed (and then maybe lots of filler.
) And other pills are quality made with a combination of ingredients.
Now, one ingredient that has revolutionized the penis enlargement pill industry is Bioperine.
Bioperine safely increases the absorption rates of whatever it is mixed with.
So if you were to take a product containing horny goat weed and then take that same product with the addition of Bioperine.
You are going to see a world of difference simply because Bioperine is going to allow for your body absorb nutrients better.
Some quality ingredients that you will probably find in a "good" penis enlargement pills are Tribulus Terrestris, which naturally increases testosterone in the body.
Horny Goat Weed, which is a well known herb that works to allow more blood to flow to the penis.
Cuscuta which is used in the treatment of premature ejaculation and can also help with kidney conditions that can lead to sexual weakness.
Ginko which gives you natural energy.
Saw Palmetto which is a great supplement for prostate health.
It inhibits androgen and estrogen receptor activity and may be beneficial for balancing the hormones.
Because of its hormonal effects, Saw Palmetto can also aid the thyroid in regulating sexual development and normalizing activity of those glands and organs.
And, another, which is one of my favorites, Hawthorne Berry which is rich in bioflavonoids.
These work to relax and dilate the arteries and are powerful antioxidants.
Hawthorn Berry has been shown to lower cholesterol, and the amount of plaque in arteries.
Good stuff.
So in your hunt for the perfect supplement, be sure to look for quality ingredients, and always consult your doctor before starting any new supplement, especially if you have any kind of health problem.