Eligibility for Food Stamps in Kentucky
- Household size, income and expenses are considered to determine eligibility for food stamps. Earned income from employment is counted, as well as unearned income such as alimony, child support and unemployment benefits. Rent, utilities and child care expenses may be deducted from the net income to determine qualification under the gross income limit of 130 percent of the federal poverty level.
- A household may not have more than $2,000 in resources such as bank accounts or available cash. The resource limit is $3,000 if a person over the age of 60 resides in the home.
- All members of the household between the ages of 16 and 60 years old who are not working, but are physically able, must be registered to work. Online registration is available on the Kentucky Office of Employment website or at a local work force center.
- Each member of the household who is applying for food stamp benefits must be a U.S. citizen or legal alien who has resided in the U.S. for at least five years.
Financial Need
Work Requirement