Are Psychic Abilities Real? Discover the ASTONISHING Truth About Psychic Research (No Bull!)

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Are psychic abilities natural? Can anyone become psychic, or do you need to be born with the ability?

And what about those people who say that psychic abilities are NOT true at all....and are ALL made up up, imaginary or silly to even consider? Are they right or wrong....?

Great questions all! The one thing I can tell you with 100% certainty is that psychic abilities have been PROVEN beyond just about any measure, any metric or any standard that science has to offer. (and in hundreds or even thousands of unique studies done over literally, the last hundred years and more).

So there are REAL scientific studies that support psychic abilities are true?

Absolutely...and a whole lot more! Did you know that Albert EINSTEIN, for example, wrote the forward to the book "Mental Radio" well over 50 years ago, that described experiments done by a local psychic medium? (who happened to be the wife of Upton Sinclair, a Pulitzer Prize winning author)

Or what about studies done at the Duke University Rhine Institute over the past 50 years....documenting case after case of all sorts of psychic powers that the "skeptics" would tell you are impossible?

Or the Princeton University lab (PEAR) for the study of MENTAL effects of living things and other cool stuff?

Or the Windbridge Institute for Applied Science which studies psychic mediumship and people who purport to talk to the dead? (with amazing results I may add..:-)

Or the Veritas program at the University of Arizona, whose research on psychic mediumship was SO incredible and astounding, that HBO did a documentary on it? (The Afterlife Experiments)

Or Sir Alfred Wallace, who CO-FOUNDED the theory of Evolution, who was a DEVOUT spiritualist...and regularly conducted experiments with psychic mediums and claimed the ONLY people who didn't believe that psychic abilities were real....were those that didn't actually invest the time themselves to investigate them. (another truism you'll find most of the SKEPTICS have never even sat down with a legitimate medium to test their beliefs)

What about Operation Stargate? The US covert operation on remote viewing, a very powerful (and practical) psychic ability that they taught, successfully to ORDINARY people like you and I? (with the hope of turning them into psychic spies)

Or what about Thomas Edision, the great inventor and scientist......who spent his last years working on a TELEPHONE to talk to the "other side"? (he was convinced the dead could speak.....and wanted to create a device to facilitate it)

Of course, I could go on and on.....and probably bore you with more details than you care to read. But the truth is, psychic abilities are AS proven, in a real sense, as many of the things we take for granted on a daily basis. But if you REALLY want to know the truth.....don't take MY word for it. You've got to go out and discover it for yourself! ( Trust me when I tell you, it's an amazing adventure you won't regret!)
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