Causes of Premature Ejaculation - The Reasons Why You Come Off Too Soon
PE is a typical dysfunction complaint.
The available proof that supports the perception that modulation and control of sexual excitement is an acquired behavior.
If a person has acquired the behavior inadequately or incorrectly, they can still relearn it.
Premature ejaculation is only very rare to be caused by structural or physical issues.
In such cases, it is typically linked with other physical symptoms such as pain.
In uncommon cases, PE may be linked with infections of the prostate gland, some neurological conditions or urethritis, characterized by an inflammation occurring on the duct that transports urine and semen to the outside of the body.
An increased number of PE cases have been noted along with the rising prevalence of drug abuse.
PE is often seen in patients who are on the process of withdrawing from illegal substances such as opioids.
PE may be a lifetime struggle or may develop in later life, more in particular if a hard interpersonal relationship is one of its major causes.
While PE is often linked with physiological signs, particularly guilt and anxiety, these specific symptoms are actually its consequences rather than its root causes.
Although, one premature is definitely established, the associating psychological issues, particularly in conjunction with sexual overstimulation, may create a self-propagating cycle that makes the disease even worse.
PE is typically observed in adolescents where it can be made worse by fear of discovery, feel of contracting a sexually transmitted disease or STD, feelings of sinfulness concerning sexual activity or fear of making the partner pregnant.
All of these factors may be made worse by performance anxiety.
Some adults may also experience similar situations as well as interpersonal issues concerning to their sexual partners.