Your Eyes Are More Complex Than Computer - A Window To The World And The Soul
Like a camera, what we see from the outside is only a simplepicture to what lies beneath.
The overall function and design of the eye is muchmore than just a white ping-pong sized ball with a colorful space and a littleblack dot.
Your eye is the window to the world.
It takes thousands of'calculations' so to speak.
What you see is only a small part of the overallpicture.
The following is a summary of each part and its function.
-Eye socket Hollowspace/opening.
Holds and Supports the function of the eyeball itself -Eyelid Skin overeyeball.
This skin through muscular automatic and voluntarily movements.
It actsin this capacity to help keep the eyeball moist and to keep it clean and freefrom debris.
-Eyelashes Tiny hairsframing at the end of the eyelid.
The lashes although decorative are there formuch more than holding mascara.
Lashes work to catch dirt and minimized it'sentrance to the eyeball.
-Eyeball Ping-pongsized white part of the eye.
The white part of the eye is made up of a toughmaterial called sclera.
It covers a huge part of the outer covering for the eye.
The eye has noticeable tiny pink threads, (Blood Vessels) which deliver blood tothe sclera.
-CorneaClear/Transparent dome.
This dome sits in front of the colored part of the eye.
It help the eye focus as light passes through.
-The Iris The coloredpart controls how much light goes through the pupil -The Pupil The LittleBlack Dot set in the center of the eye, the pupil is actually an opening intothe inner parts, the size of this black dot is dependent on the amount of lightsit's exposed to.
When the dot is smaller, it's due to brighter light, therebyminimizing the amount of light that enters.
When it's larger, this is due to adarker area, in opening, it allows more light in, so you can see a little betterin the dark.
-Anterior Chamber Notvisible.
The space between the cornea and the iris.
The transparent fluid isthere to nourish they eye.
-Retina Not visible.
Processes what the eye sees.
It receives the signals or information which issent to the brain for understanding.
Your retina is at thefar back part of the eye that takes the light the eye receives and changes itinto nerve signals so the brain can understand what the eye is seeing.
It usescells called rods and cones to process light.
In all there are about 120 millionrods and 7 million cones per eye.
-Lens Not visible.
Like a camera, the lens processes and captures the image.
It is held by fiberswhich are attached to muscles called ciliary muscles.
It actually changes thesize and shape of the lens.
-Vitreous Body Notvisible.
This sits behind the lens, and forms two thirds of the eye's volume andgives the eye its shape.
It's filled with a clear, jelly-like material calledthe vitreous humor.
-Rods Notvisible.
Works the processing of black, white, and shades of gray.
-Cones Not visible.
Work to process color.
They only see colors.
They are most sensitive to one ofthree colors; red, green, or blue.
Together they are able to differ what theysee to form millions of other colors.
Those without functioning cones experiencecolor blindness.
-Optic Nerve Notvisible.
Acts as the messenger in the back part of your eye.
It carries theinformation it sees to the brain for understanding.
-Lachrymal GlandsTears These glands produce tears for flushing foreign bodies from the eyes.
Thisfluid is regulated by blinking.
Your eyes do so much;protect them and SEE how great they really are!