Can You See Without Glasses? - Now it is Possible to Improve Your Vision Naturally With Bates Method
Imagine if you are able to restore your 20-20 vision within few days.
I know you are really tired of wearing those irritating glasses and contact lenses.
Eye surgeries seems to be very expensive and not so much guaranteed way to improve eyesight.
So the only option remains is the natural eye improvement techniques.
Read further to discover the amazing Bates method and start to improve your vision naturally.
The world today is very competitive and we struggle everyday for the ultimate survival.
This leads us to a very unhealthy and stressful life.
This excessive stress and strain not only affects our body but also create unnecessary burden on our eyes.
Long hours of TV watching and working in front of computers adds extra pressure on our eyes.
This obviously makes them weaker day by day.
Our eyes are becoming very lazy and ineffective due to all these activities.
This is why there is a strong need to improve our diet as well as our lifestyle.
Healthy diet is very necessary today for healthy blood circulation to our eyes.
Balanced diet and regular eye exercises are the two necessary things when it comes to natural eye vision improvement.
We can improve our diet by including green vegetables, fruits, natural health supplements containing vitamin A, B, C, fibers as well as minerals.
For better eye exercises and eye relaxation techniques we can take help of Bates method.
In 1880, Dr.
William H.
Bates developed this method which contains special series of eye exercises and eye relaxation techniques.
There are several easy exercises which we can try at the comfort of our home.
Here is one of the simple eye exercise from Bates method which you can try at your home.
The Art of Palming: Rub your palms for few seconds.
Put your palms on your closed eyes without touching them.
Create a gap in between your palms and eyelids by making cup size palms.
Rest your elbows on a table or on your knees.
Try to relax your whole body starting from head to toes.
Imagine yourself sitting on a peaceful beach or an island or any of your favorite dream place.
Keep your body relaxed for next 15 minutes and feel the darkness of your eyes getting darker second by second.
This 15-20 minutes exercise seems very simple but it is highly effective to increase the blood flow towards your eyes and enhance the internal power of your eye muscles.
There are numerous other eye relaxation techniques available in the Bates method.
Try these methods for yourself at your home and see the effects in few days.