The Games for Engaged Couples at an Engagement Party
- The "How Well Do You Know Your Future Spouse" game is sure to cause plenty of laughs, and will help everyone get to know each other a little better. For this game, make two sets of notecards, with the same questions in both sets of cards. You can also make multiple sets of doubles if you want all of the couples at the party to play the game. This could be fun to test how well the newly engaged couple knows each other compared to the other couples at the party. Include questions like, "What color are her eyes?" or "How many kids does he want to have someday?" Have both the future bride and the future groom answer the questions about one another and then collect the cards. Ask each partner the questions on the cards and find out how well the future spouses really know each other. Do the same thing for each couple that is participating in the game.
- The shoe game is another great game to help the families and friends of the future bride and groom get to know the couple in a humorous and light-hearted way. For this game, each partner will need one of each of the partner's shoes and the couple will need to sit facing opposite each other so that neither can see the other's answers. You will then ask questions, asking the future bride and groom to hold up the shoe of the person that they believe best corresponds to the question. Some topics include, "Who is more patient?", "Who likes better music?" and "Who is more excited about having children?" To get all of the couples at the party involved in the fun, simply have more than one couple play the game at a time using the same questions, or give each couple a chance in the spotlight by taking turns.
- The Happy Couple Game is a game that isn't only played by the bride and groom. Instead the friends, family and relatives of the bride and groom are tasked with completing this game, which will help everyone get to know each other a little better. Have each guest use the individual letters in both the bride and groom's names to come up with as many words as possible that are three letters or more. For example, if the future bride is named Sarah and the future groom is named Joe, one such word might be "sore". Whichever guest comes up with the most words wins.
- Another great game that gets everyone involved and helps break the ice between families and friends is the "Monkey See Monkey Do" game. This game involves the future bride or groom telling one person at the party to perform a certain action. Make sure that you tell the player in private, as he will then have to go up to another person at the party and complete the action without speaking. Then, that person will have to go up to another person at the party and perform the action she believes the first person was acting out. This continues until everyone has completed the action and you find out if the action was right.
How Well Do You Know Your Future Spouse?
The Shoe Game
The Happy Couple Game
Monkey See Monkey Do