Best Teeth Whitening Products to Buy
There are many whitening products to buy online and offline.
But finding the best one is the challenge that many people with dingy, horrible teeth have trouble with, as they try to obtain the whitest teeth possible to compliment their beauty.
Basically there are three types of products that one can buy.
These can be divided into three categories; strips, teeth trays and ''the cotton swab module''.
Strips were the first type of products to come onto the scene that promised whiter results.
These mass produced strips consisted off a whitening agent and a light adhesive that one would place on the desired teeth, wait for an hour, before ripping them off, to reveal a whiter smile.
Unfortunately with them being mass produced, you can sometimes end up using four or five strips on one tooth, just to get that certain spot that had evaded all the previous one.
With this inconsistency in whitening, your teeth begin to look comical, a revolting contrast between yellow and pearly white.
Increased enamel sensitivity is another fear related with strips, so be wary in which ones you purchase.
Teeth trays are a better option.
These consist of a mouth guard which you fill with a whitening gel beforehand.
You then proceed to wear it for up till an hour before removing.
Usually the results are positive, but most people find them uncomfortable to wear.
The most popular way of getting the best results these day consist of products that use ''cotton swabs''.
These swabs secrete a liquid which you use in conjunction with a polishing powder of magnesium peroxide that whitens whilst protecting the enamel.
The great thing about this, according to those that use them, is that you can easily use them in your daily bathroom routine as they only take five minutes to apply.
Furthermore once used after a short time period they can be discarded if one proceeds to look after their teeth through brushing, flossing and eating healthily.
But finding the best one is the challenge that many people with dingy, horrible teeth have trouble with, as they try to obtain the whitest teeth possible to compliment their beauty.
Basically there are three types of products that one can buy.
These can be divided into three categories; strips, teeth trays and ''the cotton swab module''.
Strips were the first type of products to come onto the scene that promised whiter results.
These mass produced strips consisted off a whitening agent and a light adhesive that one would place on the desired teeth, wait for an hour, before ripping them off, to reveal a whiter smile.
Unfortunately with them being mass produced, you can sometimes end up using four or five strips on one tooth, just to get that certain spot that had evaded all the previous one.
With this inconsistency in whitening, your teeth begin to look comical, a revolting contrast between yellow and pearly white.
Increased enamel sensitivity is another fear related with strips, so be wary in which ones you purchase.
Teeth trays are a better option.
These consist of a mouth guard which you fill with a whitening gel beforehand.
You then proceed to wear it for up till an hour before removing.
Usually the results are positive, but most people find them uncomfortable to wear.
The most popular way of getting the best results these day consist of products that use ''cotton swabs''.
These swabs secrete a liquid which you use in conjunction with a polishing powder of magnesium peroxide that whitens whilst protecting the enamel.
The great thing about this, according to those that use them, is that you can easily use them in your daily bathroom routine as they only take five minutes to apply.
Furthermore once used after a short time period they can be discarded if one proceeds to look after their teeth through brushing, flossing and eating healthily.