Effects Of Drug Addiction In Teen
Although withdrawing from family is a normal part of adolescence, an extreme and sudden withdrawal from both family and friends can be one of the effects of drug addiction in your teen. If you have noticed that your teen has become even more sullen and withdrawn than usual, you may want to talk to them (or at least try to) about what they are experiencing. A lack of interest in previously enjoyed activities can also be one of the effects of drug addiction in teens. If your teen was once active in his or her school, church, or community, and suddenly shows little or no interest in these activities, it may be a sign that he or she is battling the effects of drug addiction.
A sudden and extreme weight loss is also one of the effects of drug addiction in teens. Even though this may have roots stemming from an eating disorder, rapid weight loss is usually indicative of drug use; and you should get your teen into the doctor as quickly as possible. Even if your teen's sudden weight loss is not due to the effects of drug addiction, it may have a serious underlying cause, and should be treated immediately.
Again, although every teen will typically experience a decline in their grades during their high school years, a sharp drop on your teen's report card can be one of the effects of drug addiction. As can a sudden lack of interest in their part time jobs, or even just getting out of bed in the morning. If you think that your teen is experiencing any of the effects of drug addiction, it is imperative that you get him or her help as early as possible. All too often parents put off trying to help their teens until it is too late, purely out of the fear of being rejected. Just remember that you are the parent, and if counseling or admission into a drug rehabilitation center is what your child needs, then it is up to you to make certain that he or she gets it. Although the effects of drug addiction can be quite frightening when they present themselves in your child, catching them early and taking action now can save your teen from a life of addiction.