Children's Church Lessons and Crafts
- Read the parable of the sower in Mark 4:3-9 during children's church. Explain the four different kinds of ground Jesus used in the parable. Give each child a 4-oz. plastic cup to decorate; provide stickers and markers. After the cup is decorated, give each child a peat pellet and some water and demonstrate how to pour the water on the pellet so it expands. Give each child two flower seeds to plant in the "good soil" in his cup. Remind the children to water the seeds and care for them just as they must care for their souls with prayer and Bible lessons. This craft is suitable for children in preschool through sixth grade.
- Each person is a unique creation of God. Read I Corinthians 12:12-18 and verse 27 to the students in children's church. Talk about ways in which people are unique, such as fingerprints and in abilities. Give each student a sheet of paper and markers. Have each child use a stamp pad to place a thumbprint in the center of the page and write her name under the thumbprint. Across the top of the page have each student write, "I am a unique and valuable child of God." Ask the children to think about the different talents and abilities they have and write them on the paper. Students may decorate the page with stickers and other artwork.
- Proverbs 17:17a reads, "A friend loves at all times." Ask your students to name some ways a person shows love. Talk about why friends are important. Ask each student to think about one or two friends who live out the characteristics of biblical friendship. Have each child make a "Thank You For Being My Friend" card for a special friend who fits these characteristics.
- In Matthew 22:36-40, Jesus declares that all of the commandments in the Bible can be summed up as to love God and others. Explain to the children that if they can remember these two commandments, they have a clear guideline for living. Give each child a large sheet of landscaped paper with a line drawn down the middle. Have students write one commandment on each side of the page. Have them tape a straw to the right and left edges of the paper and roll the paper up like a scroll to take home.
Parable of the Sower
"I Am Unique"
Biblical Friendships
Two Great Commandments