Essential Penis Enlargement Information - Learn What Method Must Be Avoided!

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There are so many penis enlargement programs online and the number is growing all the time.
And although some of these programs are legitimate and really do work, then there are also programs and methods that need to be avoided.
These methods and programs can vary from somewhat ineffective to completely ineffective and it is not uncommon to cause injury to your penis.
So before you get involved in making your penis bigger, take a few minutes and learn what to avoid.
There are a lot of guys who are insecure and have the misfortune of having a small penis size, that does cause them problems.
Even average or little above average penis size, is not enough for some men.
And I really do not have any issues with guys, who have above average size and still want to gain more.
But when people act too fast and are desperate, they could make mistakes.
Obviously you want to grow your penis effectively, quickly, safely and cheaply.
Penis enlargement pumps Penis enlargement pumps are mainly used by men, who have erectile dysfunction.
The pump is obviously a suction device that is placed around the penis.
And when activated, it creates a vacuum around the penis, that causes blood to flow to the penis creating an erection.
One of the main problems with these pumps, is that they can easily be misused.
If it is used too much and the vacuum is too strong, then it can cause vascular damage.
It is also possible that the penis will be pulled into the cylinder, that can cause injury as well.
On top of that, according to studies these pumps have no long term effect on penis size.
Penis enlargement patches and pills I am sure you are aware that there are a lot of pills and patches advertised online.
The reason is that they are very convenient and discreet.
The problem is that countless studies have shown that these patches and pills do not work.
None of the brands advertised online are FDA approved.
You never really know what is in these pills and patches.
Studies have also shown that these pills can contain contaminants: molds, yeast and also pesticides.
For a lot of people it is very tempting to use pills, but it is a total waste of money.
Surgery Penis enlargement surgery is also used.
And it involves severing some of the ligaments, which connect the underside of the pelvic bone to the penis.
The reason why they do it, is because a large part of the penis is hidden inside the body and by cutting some ligaments, more of the penis is exposed, making the penis appear bigger.
The obvious problems with surgery is that there is a 70% dissatisfaction rate.
There is also a high risk of damage and the procedure is also very expensive.
So is there any real method that works? Is it possible to permanently and safely enlarge penis size? It certainly is possible and by far the best method for doing this, is penile exercises.
Unlike other methods, penile exercises have been actually been proven to work by several studies.
There are thousands and thousands of guys, who have successfully enlarged their manhood.
This method is very natural, because you only use your hands, it is cheap, safe and effective.
By using a proper program and by being consistent, it is possible, on average, to gain an inch in only 3 months.
Some make quicker gains and others need more time.
It is not uncommon to make 2 inch gains or even 3 inch gains.
A lot of the guys, who start doing penis enlargement exercises and get great results from the start, make this a habit and keep exercising for years.
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