Physical Therapy Jobs Race Based?
I had been playing around with some friends at the beach, tried to jump the fence to my condos pool, fell off and broke my femur in two.
After 2 surgeries (one to put pins in and one to take them out) and 2 years of physical therapy I was back to running around the beach and jumping fences. Hey, I was a kid, I thought I was invincible.
I tell this story because I was trying to remember who had those Florida Hospital Jobs and medical job as physical therapists that helped me get back on my feet.
When I think back, I remember a Caucasian female and Caucasian male helping me recuperate.
Thats not shocking because according to the American Physical Therapy Association 88% of PTs working in the physical therapy jobs field as of June 2007 are white.
In a distant second, Asians make up 5.2% of physical therapy jobs population while Hispanics and African Americans are just behind Asians at 2.5% and 2.0% of the PT Population.
According to the Journal of Physical Therapy Education, there are a number of reasons linked to the low representation of minorities in higher education: (1) financial cost, (2) academic preparation, and (3) psychosocial factors.
The authors of this article say that minorities in the African American and Hispanic communities especially are faced with monetary shortfall as well as a lack of knowledge when it comes to financial aid for college.
In addition, low test scores and a lack of mentors in their respective communities are also, at least partially, to blame according to the Journal of Physical Therapy Education.