What is a Zionist and Who is Anti-Semitic? A Third Side of the Coin

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Her report headlined: The End Of The World: The Debate Heats Up.
She wrote that "the interest in end-times prophecy has spread beyond their circles and is not only shaping people's lives, but even influencing United States foreign policy.
She referred to the minority of fundamentalist American Christians.
(CUFI) Christians United for Israel, lobbyist John Hagee's video "Countdown to the Final End" lists ten of his reasons for believing that our generation will see the end of the world, even if it means a nuclear holocaust between the state of Israel and the Arab world.
According to the back cover of his book, "Jerusalem Countdown, such a catastrophe would affect every person on planet earth.
While many who are named as Christians fear being labeled Anti-Semitic for speaking out against the Zionist movement, even with knowing clearly that ethical and moral Judaism is worlds apart from the political agenda of "Zionism," largely remain silent.
A most peculiar anomaly is the marriage styled Christian Zionism as advocated by Hagee.
Everyone who understands the Bible is a Zionist in some fashion including this writer.
The indifference is in our meaning and use of the term.
There are religious Judaic Zionists who who follow Torah.
There are Christian Zionists who support the modern political state of Israel which opposes Judaism as a non-political state.
Their agenda is focused on a future world dominated and ruled by their movement.
"Christian Zionists," as the term is popularly used today are those who see the end time prophecies of both Old and New Testament as imminent in bringing about this world change.
They are mainly preoccupied with geographical territory, political power, Apartheid, Ethnic-cleansing and the eradication from history of the Palestinian people.
On the other hand, there are Christ-centered Zionists, (not to be confused with "Christian Zionists" who understand that true Zionism has nothing whatsoever to do with territorial land borders national politics and nuclear warheads.
It is not a new issue, but the same national (now international) blindness that existed in the time of Christ.
This debate was settled long before it ever got to its earth threatening stage we see it as today.
Jesus told the Samaritan woman that the time would come that neither in Mt.
Gerizim (in Samaria or Northern Israel), nor in Jerusalem (Palestine) would men worship the Father.
(John 4:21-24).
However, the political agenda of those who rejected Christ's teaching ignored his message that God's mountain no longer resided in Palestine, but in the Father himself, and is spiritual.
This message so aggravated the political and national Zionists of Jesus' day that they labeled him "Anti-Semitic," and crucified the one whom Pilate named "'KING" OF THE JEWS!' Why this Anti-Semitic charge against Christ? He refused to be the "Prime Minister" of their political machine.
They wanted a "king like all the nations" to rule in the land like David in the past.
They even held a convention and attempted to take him by force to create a political Zionist state.
Christ refused, (John 6:15).
He knew the political Zionist state with aspirations to rule the world originated in the mind of Satan, from an encounter he likewise resisted during his forty days of temptation, (Matthew 4:8-11).
Disappointed and desperate that their attempts failed, the congress of political Zionists held a convention.
At that convention, they labeled Christ as an insurrectionist, and enemy of the Jewish state, (Luke 23:1-4), despite his sworn testimony under oath before Pilate that His kingdom was not of this world, (John 18:36), i.
not located in Palestine, as he affirmed in Samaria per above.
He then became a political prisoner, suffered the humiliation of an illegal mock trial in which he received a death sentence.
Following this, the (High Priest, or president of the council) declared a war on terror, seeking to ethnically cleanse the nation of his disciples, and chased them out of the land (Acts 4-8:1) plundering their way of life before the world, (Heb.
That's quite a charge against a man who taught his disciples to "turn the other cheek" and refused to let them carry swords (hi-tech artillery of his day) as long as he was with them.
Christ was an advocate of true Zionism.
It was neither Judaic (as noted above), nor political as that today, like that of those who crucified him.
But, a Zionist He was.
He would rule in Zion, (Psalm.
To this very day his throne sits upon the top of Mt.
Zion, God's holy hill, (Psalm 2:6) Hart writes again in his prologue the following in an attempt to define true Zionism.
"For those readers who are not intimately familiar with the terminology of the conflict I should point out that the Zion of spiritual Zionism is Mount Zion in Jerusalem.
" (Zionism The Real Enemy of the Jews, Vol.
1, The False Messiah, p.
He seeks to contrast political Zionism from Judaic Zionism.
It should be clear from Christ's words and actions noted above, that he did not advocate a Zionism rooted in the mountain or territory of Israel in any form or fashion.
Yet, he rules in Zion.
Three books of the New Testament so clearly delineate between true Zionism and political or Judaic Zionism.
The first is Galatians.
In chapter 4:24-27, Paul speaks of two women, Hagar and Sarah, two covenants, the Old and the New, two spiritual conditions, bondage and freedom, which represent two Zionist movements, the political national state of Jerusalem which was spiritually enslaved with her children as represented by Hagar the Egyptian, and the heavenly Jerusalem (i.
not of this world), represented by Sarah, the freewoman and her children of the promise.
Note that the bondwoman was cast out that she and her son might not inherit with the freewoman.
This means the Zionism of Old Covenant Judaism is not a part of true, spiritual heavenly Zionism.
The next example is found in Hebrews 12:18-23, where the writer contrasts the Mountain in Sinai where the Old Covenant was given (to be compared with Galatians 4:25), and Mt.
Zion, the heavenly city of Jerusalem, where Christ is king.
Note that Zion in the text is called the church, (ekklesia) of the living God, in contrast to the political state of Israel situated in Palestine.
The last example is that found in Revelation where the old city of Jerusalem which convicted Christ of "Anti-Semitism and crucified him on a cross outside the gates is called the "great city" (Revelation 11:8; Luke 13:33), and is once again spiritually styled as Egypt, implying bondage.
That city is burned by the Romans, the very ally they feigned a treaty with ("we have no king but Caesar") to wage their "war on terror" against the true Zionists, i.
Christ and the church, (Revelation 17:16-17).
As the book closes, we see the heavenly Jerusalem (compare with the Jerusalem above of Galatians 4:26), coming down out of heaven (not Palestine) as a bride adorned for her husband.
In order to see this woman, John had to be taken to the top of a very high mountain, to see this new holy city coming down out of heaven from God.
It is the true Jerusalem from heaven which has now come down to be with men.
So, now, who is anti-Semitic? Is it the religious Jewish Zionists who oppose political Zionism? The latter would say yes.
Is it political Zionists who oppose religious Judaic Zionism.
The latter would say yes.
Or is it either or both who oppose true Christian Zionists (not to be confused with the right wing political Zionist supporters) who see and understand that true Zionism is neither a political national state on earth nor rooted in Jewish religion? It was a very sad day in Israel, when "ethnic cleansing" came home to roost.
The Roman invasion of Judea which destroyed the temple and political state of Israel in A.
70, was Christ's final answer to the High Priest that He had no desire to reign in literal Jerusalem over a political regime, but that He sat upon the throne and reigned from Mount Zion in the heavens at the right hand of God.
His scepter is a scepter of righteousness.
His kingdom is neither Anti-Semitic, Anti-Arab, nor Anti-Christian welcoming all who follow righteousness to to dwell with him on true Zion's holy hill.
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