Lawyers and Our Rights to Have One
No matter what your reason is for needing a lawyer, you always have the right to have one standing beside you in court.
Here is a little bit about our rights to having a lawyer.
Our forefathers were smart to protect our rights when writing out the United States Constitution.
The first ten amendments alone are describing our rights as citizens of the United States.
Those first ten amendments are all part of the Bill of Rights.
These rights include our freedom of speech, religion, press, gather peacefully, and to bear arms.
This was an important part of the Constitution because it clearly states our rights to having a lawyer.
As the accused you are given a list of rights.
The Bill of Rights states that you are innocent until proven guilty.
That rule abides to any male or female be accused of criminal act.
On top of that, the law states that you have the right to appropriate representation for your case.
Everyone has the option to have a lawyer in court if they want one, even if you do not have the money for one.
For those that do not have the means to pay for one will be assigned an attorney by the court.
So do not worry, no matter what your financial needs are you will be properly represented come court day.
If you are the defendant in a case, you are given similar rights to the ones of the accused.
Thankfully, you too have the choice of having legal representation for your case.
That means if you do not have the money for one, you will still be appointed one by the court.
Even prisoners are given this choice.
It is comforting to know that no matter what side of the court you are on, you do not have to stand up there alone, thanks to the Bill of Rights.
Now that you do not have to worry about having someone on your side in the court room, you can go to sleep much more confident about your case.
Although you may be innocent until proven guilty, having an attorney by your side is your best bet to getting the results you want from your case.
Find your legal representation today.