Christian Youth Games to Teach Helping
- If your pastor is looking for new ideas for neighborhood outreach activities, get your students involved by holding a contest in which each person develops five innovative ideas that the church can use for this purpose. Have each student give a 15-minute presentation on his ideas, after which you provide feedback and judge each group of ideas. The winner gets to meet with you and the pastor to discuss implementing his ideas.
- Host a trivia game to test students' understanding of what the Bible has to say about service to others by quizzing them on relevant verses. The student with the most points wins a gift bag, which can include simple items such as stationery and a Bible crossword puzzle book.
- Divide your students into groups of three and give each group an index card depicting a scenario wherein someone requires help. For example, one scenario can depict a neighborhood family in financial distress who needs help paying for groceries. Give the groups 20 minutes to prepare their skits before performing them in front of the class. Each member of the winning group gets a Christian youth-based magazine.
- Stage a contest in which your students prepare birthday gift baskets for younger children in your church, then have three adults from the church judge each basket for originality. Before they make the baskets, have your students meet with the intended recipients to find out what they would like for their birthday. If necessary, help your students create the baskets, which you'll present together to the children and their parents. The student who creates the best basket gets a bag of special treats as a reward.
Neighborhood Outreach
Trivia Games
Role Playing
Birthday Gift Baskets