Lower Water Levels in Pools
- The ideal water height for your swimming pool is the mid-way point of the skimmer's vertical height. This is the general rule of thumb for both in-ground and above ground pools. The skimmer is responsible for collecting large pieces of dirt and debris and providing a place for the filter to begin the suctioning process. The water goes from the skimmer through the filter and back out the pool's return jet.
- Water height is important in direct relation to the skimmer. When there's too much water in the pool, the skimmer floods and is unable to capture the large pieces of dirt and debris floating on the surface. That debris floats back out to the pool's surface. If the water level is too low, the filter doesn't have enough water to circulate and filter properly. You must fill up the water immediately if the water falls at or below the bottom of the pool skimmer. Running the filter with no water present can permanently damage the filter.
- Water loss can be a result of many things, most commonly evaporation and swimmer usage -- like splashing, jumping and water overflow. You should always monitor the water height and fill up the pool as necessary especially after a long day of heavy usage. Most pools lose somewhere between one-half inch to two inches of water per week from evaporation. If you are losing more than two inches per week and it's not because of swimmer usage, then you may have a leak in your liner. Inspect the liner surface for holes, punctures or tears.
- Solar covers are an effective way of reducing evaporation in the pool while naturally heating your swimming pool water. You should place a solar cover over the top of the pool when the sun is shining. The solar cover creates a vapor barrier, blocking evaporation and using the heat it traps from the sun to warm the water. Solar covers are either manufactured with UV-stabilized polyethylene -- plastic -- or vinyl. The plastic bubbled solar covers are the most cost effective and common among consumers. These covers resemble bubble wrap materials used for packing. Vinyl covers are more durable and cost more money, but they last longer.
Water Height
Water Loss
Solar Covers