Extagen - What is it and How Does it Really Work?

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It has been said that the secret wish of every man is to be amazing in bed.
But you can't do this if you feel inadequate about the size of your equipment.
Women want to be with men who are secure about themselves and their sexual performance.
Surely, you can never be secure unless you know that your maleness can readily rise up to the challenge any time.
This is where Extagen(TM) and other penis enlargement pills comes into the picture.
Extagen(TM) belongs to a generation of male sexual enhancement products that promise to help men increase the size of their penis.
There are actually many similar products on the market, but while most of them fail to provide men with a bigger penis, they may often increase sexual function if they contain the right extracts, such as Ginseng and Yohimbe.
Extagen(TM) SHOULD BE USED if you want to...
* Maximize Your Erection Size by 14% - 30%*! * Experience Longer Lasting Harder Erections! * Increase Your Sexual Drive So You can Please Any Woman! * Experience What It's Like To Be Bigger Than "Just Average"! So, how exactly does this product work? The system this product adheres to is not as complicated as you may think.
In fact, it follows ancient knowledge and takes full advantage of advancements in technology in order to give hopeful men the results they seek.
The product is first and foremost a virility solution.
Its natural ingredients work together to provide you with the things you need in order to be a tiger in bed.
They increase blood flow into your penis in order to give it the nutrients it needs to make it become longer and bigger.
Most men who take this product pills start to see the results in the first 2 - 3 weeks of the program.
You should notice longer lasting erections, an increase in thickness, and start to see new growth in your erect length! Some users report results in the first week and others take a little longer.
It all depends on how quickly your body responds to the herbs.
Like most male enhancement products, this one contains herbs from many parts of the world formulated into a blend that helps increase blood flow to the penis and testicles.
The erectile tissues in the penis, called the corpora cavernosa, are responsible for creating an erection.
The careful blend of natural ingredients in pills significantly impacts these tissues resulting in a stronger sex drive, a more sensitive, pleasurable experience and increased sexual ability.
Extagen(TM) should not be taken by men who have a heart condition, suffer from high blood pressure or have diabetes.
One last note: Because of the popularity of Extagen(TM) there has sprung up a counterfeit and fake Extagen(TM) industry.
Make sure the products you buy are the real deal and that they come from a reputable dealer or supplier.
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